Back and Forth

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Lucille kept her stance near the door. Keeping her distance was something that could've kept this entire thing from happening in the first place.

"I just wanted to check on you", he said. "Last night was.."

"A mistake", she finished for him. "Last night was a mistake."

"And you don't need to check on me", she said. "I'm fine. Just embarrassed."

Oliver sighed. "I should've never taken you out. If I'd just brought you to the hotel and left none of this would've happened. You shouldn't feel this way for something that is my fault."

"You're wrong", Lucille shook her head disagreeing. "I kissed you."

"But I said all those things to you."

Lucille's face heated up as she thought about what he'd said to her. Everything he felt about her.

"And you were drunk", he said.

"I wasn't drunk", she replied quickly. "Maybe buzzed but not drunk. I knew what I was doing."

They were having an intense stand-off or stare-off when someone twisted the knob on the door.

"Dad", Oliver stated. What are you doing here?"

James Reed let out a deep, hearty chuckle. "Aren't you gonna offer your old man a drink, son?"

His eyes made their way over to Lucille.

"Hello, Mr. Reed", she greeted.

"The beautiful Ms. Lucille Johnson", he said as he walked over to her. He took her hand and pressed his lips against it. "My boy isn't giving you too much trouble, is he?"

She chuckled a bit. "No sir, he's been great."

"I'm happy to hear", James said. "You mind giving us a moment alone?"

Lucille nodded. "Mr. Reed, we'll finish this later", she said.

"Of course", Oliver said as she exited.

James waited a moment before speaking. His entire tone changed, confirming what Oliver was thinking. His father was outside of his office for longer than they thought.

"You don't get it do you, boy?", he asked.

Oliver said nothing.

"This girl, she looks at you and she sees opportunity. You're going to get caught up."

Oliver was getting annoyed. He wasn't at all surprised by what his father was saying but that didn't stop him from getting pissed off.

"My life is none of your business", Oliver answered.

"And you're wrong about her", was what he wanted to add. But he didn't.

"It sure as hell is my business", James bellowed. "I'm putting my name on the line, my reputation for you and I'll be damned if I sit back and let you throw it all away for some jungle bunny."

"Enough", Oliver yelled. He was livid. "You will not talk about her like that, do you understand me?"

Oliver's voice had only gotten louder. "And you can leave if you don't like it. I don't need you."

"I will do no such thing", James answered. "You're thinking with the head below your belt and quite frankly, I don't trust her."

Oliver scoffed.

"I'm bringing in one of my guys to keep things afloat around here, to get you up in the polls."

"Lucille is doing fine, dad. I'm not replacing her."

Political Relations (Book I of the BWWM Political Series)Where stories live. Discover now