Chapter 4: Getting Laid

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Gray's POV

'Ugh. I hate myself so much right now but I haven't had sex in ages. Jesus Christ Gray. Get your shit together.'

"Wait! Can we go to the bar first?"

'I don't want to be sober while I cheat on ____.'

"Yah. There's this cute little place right next to my house."

"Good, let's go." She dragged me along once more. We reached the bar and sat down at a table. The waitress came to get our drink orders and I ordered a vodka on the rocks. I wanted to get hammered. (In more ways than one😏😉)

We sat at the bar for about 30 minutes and I had already gone through 5 drinks. I was pretty fucking drunk and so I got the idea that I should start making out with Erza. Ugh. That wasn't the smartest of plans. We 'made out' for about half a second when she pulled back.

"How drunk are you?"

"Drunk enough to want to fuck your brains out." I slurred my sentence like a real drunk.

"Let's go." She dragged me out of the bar and into her apartment throwing me on the bed when we arrived. It was a pretty big bed and I felt kinda sleepy so I curled up in a ball.

"Oh no you don't stripper." She jumped on top of me and started kissing my neck.

____'s POV

'Oh jeez! Maybe I should go apologize to him. I may have overreacted a bit.' I thought to myself as I walked home. 'I think I will.' I turned around and walked back to the guild. When I got there it was pretty much empty. Natsu and Gajeel were sitting at the bar drinking away their sorrow. Natsu got dumped for Loke and Levy just straight up shot Gajeel down. Like shit I mean he's pretty good looking and I've heard rumors that say he has metal studs in places that are magical.

Anyway, I walked up to the bar to talk to Mira.

"Do you know where Gray went?"

"He left to go look for you. To apologize I think. But Erza left behind him so that's probably not good."

"She did what now?!" Rage filled my body but I kept a smile on my face. One of those creepy smiles that say 'I'm gonna fucking kill someone!'

"Yah. She said something." Natsu chimed in.

"Yah. Something like mama's getting laid or something like that." Gajeel added.

"And she even left her cake behind. They left like 30 minutes ago." Mira added.

"Oh really?" I said. Still smiling. "Natsu, Gajeel. Could I talk to you outside for a moment?"

"Yes ma'am," they followed me outside and I had the craziest idea.

"I need you guys to go back to my apartment. Natsu, you know where it is. Here's the key, I'll be there in like 20 minutes." I started walking the other way. Toward Erza's house.

"What for?" They asked in unison.

"Just go!" I screamed.

'Oh I'm gonna get him.' I kind of chuckled to myself as I walked to Erza's house. I kind of already knew what I was going to see when I got there. I'd go up to the window and look through the then see Gray having sex with Erza and I'd flip the fuck out. I knew it, I just had to make sure before I went and did something drastic. I walked up, looked through the window, and saw exactly what I knew I was going to see. Jesus Christ. Me and my goddam mind.

I quietly walked back to my house and when I got there, I found something very........ Awkward. I guess they were both drunk but that's still weird.

Cheat: Gray x Erza and Natsu x Reader x GajeelWhere stories live. Discover now