Chapter 6: #funtime

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You live in an apartment building so there is a main lobby. Just FIY cuz you're gonna need that info so you don't freak out when you see a stranger in your 'home' XD

Gray's POV

'Oh I hope I don't wake ____ up.' I tiptoed through the hall to the living room and switched on a light.

"Where the FUCK did you go?" I almost pissed my pants. She was sitting right in front of me.

"Jesus fuck you almost gave me a heart attack!" I sat down to regain my composure and think of a good lie. "Did you go back to the guild after I left?"

"No, now answer my question. Where were you?"

"I was out drinking with the guys. We went to a bar that Natsu likes."

"Mm. Ok." She started walking away. "Goodnight." Before closing the door she switched off the lights and I was in complete darkness.

____'s POV

~~    #morning    ~~

I woke up to find Gray missing so I just got ready for the day. When I took off my shirt I found marks, a lot of them too, Gajeel and Natsu had done a number on my torso area. I was gonna have scars for a long time. I examined my shoulders and found two deep bite marks, my mind flashed images of the previous night and my body tingled.

Slipping on my boots and heading for the door, someone bumped in to me. I found it kind of weird. It was a man that I had never seen in the building before, he looked a bit suspicious so I kept my eyes on him until I reached the exit.

Walking down the street (and all I hear is yak yak yak yak *dubstep plays*) two men yelled to me not to fall in the river. I reassured them that that would never happen and made my way to Fairy Tail. When I got there Gray was sitting with Natsu, Erza, Gajeel, and Elfman, who just kept screaming 'MAN'. The only open seat was next to Gajeel. Gray was sitting next to Erza, of course, Elfman was next to Gray, and the guys were on the opposite side. Gajeel moved so that I could sit between him and Natsu. Gray and Erza were probably fondling each other under the table, I thought it was hilarious. Every once in a while one of there faces would turn bright red and the other one would suppress a smile, I'm willing to bet that they were trying to get caught.

After a while of talking I got bored. It was awfully amusing to watch the two love birds but I wanted to leave.

"I'm going to the bar. Gray, you wanna come?" Before he got a chance to answer, I'm sure it would've been a 'no', I cut him off. "No? How about you boys?" I nudged Gajeel over so I could get up.

"Yeah," he said.

"Why not?" Natsu added.

"Hey ____, me and Erza are going on a mission ok?"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, have fun." I walked away with my arms crossed behind my head. "Let's go boysssss."

Gray's POV

"Don't forget to use a condom," Gajeel said as he passed me.

"Yeah, wouldn't want ____ to find out your little secret," Natsu added.

"What did you say? FLAMEBRAIN?" Oh boy did I want to kick his ass.

"Natsu get your ass over here," ____ yelled.

"Gray, sit down," Erza glared at me with those scary ass eyes of hers. We stopped butting heads and they left. Erza walked to the mission board to find a good paying job. She walked over to Mira, handed her the paper and came to get me.

"Let's go. This ones not too far. Meet me at the train station in an hour." We parted ways and I headed to ____'s place to get my clothes.

Natsu's POV

'I don't know if I could take anymore of what happened yesterday. I just about exploded.'

"Why do you look so sad Natsu?" ____ looked at me and smiled. "Do you want a kiss?" She planted a slobbery one on my cheek.

"Ew, gross." I said wiping the saliva off.

"Come on Gajeel, you want one?" She walked over and stopped in front of him forcing him to stop. She planted one, right on his lips and when she was done Gajeel had a boner and his lip was bleeding. ____ looked down, "good luck with that!" Then she kept walking towards the bar.

"You expect me to walk around like this?" Gajeel complained.

"I didn't make you a masochist. It's not my problem. Would you like me to take care of it?"

"Yes, please." With that, she dragged him into the woods and I followed. I hadn't said anything up until now, but I was curious.

"_____, what's your kink/fetish?" She started out with a hand job and it was kind of awkward but we had our conversation.

"Oh, I didn't tell you? Isn't it obvious?"

"Not really," I responded.

"Ok, I torture people with sex Natsu..... Everything is my kink/fetish. But the biggest of them all. Oh it's a good one. That's where you guys come in. My biggest fetishes are gay porn and whips and shit."

"Oh. That makes a lot of sense." Gajeel was finally done and now my pants were starting to stretch. I thought we were going back out to the main road but instead ____ dragged us deeper into the woods. I thought we were lost but then we came up on a small cabin. Made for two people, a couple a guess. "This. Is. (SPARTA!!!!! author-chan you fucking idiot) My. Getaway." She smiled, wickedly, at us as she opened the door and we stepped inside. "There's only one bed so, yeah."

"Wait, if there's only one bed then why are there two bedrooms?" Gajeel pointed to the closed door.

"Ok 1. How did you know that was a bedroom. 2. You just ruined everything, I had like a line and shit planned out. And 3. It's a sex cave." She said everything so fast I couldn't quite process everything.

"A what?" I asked.

"A sex cave. You wanna see it?" She pulled out another key and unlocked the door, flinging it open.

"Oh my Jesus Christ!" Gajeel and I were so shocked that those were the only words that would come out.

Cheat: Gray x Erza and Natsu x Reader x GajeelWhere stories live. Discover now