Chapter 7: Do what now?

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Gajeel's POV

'This is like heaven. She had every single machine on the face of the earth.' When you opened the door there was a level of stuff then you walked down and there were more.

"I'm guessing that Gray and Erza are going on an overnight mission so you guys can stay here with me." *wink wink* ____ draped her arms around Natsu from behind.

"You got booze?" I wanted to get so wasted while I was there.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Follow me." ___ motioned for us and we followed her to a door. When she opened it, I expected another room but instead I found that there was a long flight of stairs leading down.

"What's this?" Natsu asked.

"Just come on."

We followed her down the stairs and she opened another door revealing shelves and shelves of liquor, beer, whiskey, and wine. Natsu and I gasped at the sight.

"Now we're gonna play a game and the objective is to be the most sober."

"What's the game?" I ask.

"That's no fun," Natsu chimes in.

"It's would you rather. But in my version you have to do it. Say I said, 'Natsu, would you rather bite me or Gajeel?' Natsu would answer and if he said 'Gajeel', he would have to actually bite him. Do you get it?"

"Yeah, but where does the booze come in?"

"Oh. If you refuse to do one of the actions, you take a shot."

"That seems easy enough," Natsu said.

"But wait, the person who pukes first sleeps on the floor while the other two have sex in the bed." *wiggles eyebrows* she happily grabbed a bottle of Jameson and danced up the stairs.

Natsu's POV

I watched ____ prance up the stairs as her skirt bounced with her. The skirt came up above the panty line and then fell back down. Gajeel and I followed her upstairs and into the 'sex cave' where I assume we're going to play the game.

"Sit down," ____ said as she went into the kitchen to get some shot glasses and...... a bucket?

"What's that for?" I pointed to the bucket when she came back in.

"If you puke, you're out, duh." I smiled cheerfully knowing that I had a pretty strong stomach when it came to drinking.

"Who wants to start? It sure as hell won't be me." Gajeel started to fiddle with the string of his pants and I could tell he was nervous. "How about you then? Ask one of us."

"I uh. Natsu. Would you rather get strapped in the sex machine for 30 minutes, no lube, or have a 40 minute, dry handjob, no lube?"

"Handjob from who?"


____'s POV

Natsu's face twisted and I'm sure he was thinking about the pain that would come from that but there was also the 30 minutes of fucking from the machine.

"Uh. I don't know. The uh. Machine, I guess."

I got a little too excited about that and started clapping my hands together. After getting the machine out, I strapped Natsu in, which must've been very embarrassing.
"Natsu.." I sang. "It's your turn!"

"Uh O.. Uh. K. _____," his question was directed towards me but it took about 5-10 minutes just trying to get it out of him. In the end the question was 'would you rather masterbate for 20 minutes straight or have sex for 20 minutes straight.' Which was a pretty pathetic question if you ask me but I chose sex. Because who wouldn't choose sex. He had me fuck Gajeel for 20 minutes straight.

"Gajeel," I said. "Would you rather hurt me...... Or kill Panther Lily?" I laughed evilly as I knew what he was going to choose.

"Hurt you. But how?"

"This is where it gets awesome. I want you to stab me..... In the stomach. Make your hand into a sword and stick it through me."

"B-but won't that kill you?"

"We'll see." I wink at him, our fave inches apart. "Do it."

"Ehhhhh.." He hesitated but I soon felt a piercing pain in my stomach and I fell towards him. The pain was wonderful.

Cheat: Gray x Erza and Natsu x Reader x GajeelWhere stories live. Discover now