Chapter 1: I Love You

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Gray's POV

I yawned as I sat up in my bed.

"This alarm clock needs to just shut up sometimes." As I hit the button on the alarm clock, my gaze turns to ____, who is sleeping soundly. 'How did I come to be so happy?'

I stood up and walked to the bathroom. Turning on the water for the shower, I slip off my boxers and hop in.

____'s POV

'I guess Gray's in the shower.' I sat up and wwalked to the bathroom door. Stepping inside, I slipped off my tanktop and underwear, jumping into the shower. As soon as I closed the shower door Gray turned around.

"____, can I tell you something?" Gray's cheecks were turning slightly red.

"Yeah. What is it?"

"I love you," hearing that, my mind when completely blank. Nothing could've prepared me for what i just heard. Thoughts swarmed through my head.

'What if I don't love him? What if this is just a phase? What do I do? What do I say?'

"I.... um... I love you too?" Confused, Gray stares at me.

"Why is it so hard for you to say 'I love you' back to me?"

"Because, this is the first time you've ever said it to me. I don't know what to do!"

"Do you not love me?"

"I do. I just... I don't know." Gray got out of the shower, grabbed his towel, and ran into the bedroom.

"G- Gray. Wait!" I grabbed my towel, switched off the water, and ran after him.

I grab my jeans and struggle to pull them over my butt. Gray turns around and grabs my hips.

"You need a bigger size...." I know he's trying to help but thst just made my mood worse.

"No, I don't. They just won't fit over my butt!"

"Yes, you do!"

"ARE YOU CALLING ME FAT?!" I slipped the jeans over my butt and tried to escape his grasp.

Gray's POV

____'s strong, but not strong enough to escape me. I pulled her into a kiss. ____ pulled away and half smiled, half frowned.

"Why do you insist on teasing me?"

"What do you mean?" I slightly tilted my head.

"First you get mad, and then you go kissing me out of no where."

"I'll make it up to you." I grin.

"How?" ____ crosses her arms.

"You know that fancy restaurant that you love? Let's go on a double date, with Natsu and Lucy." ____ thought for a moment and then replied.

____'s POV

"Okay. But you have to make it up to me we we get back." I wink at him and walk over to my closet.

I get dressed in a black, knee length dress, with lace sleaves. Gray wears a black suit with a raven colored tie.

"You talked to Natsu right?"

"Yeah he's meeting us at 3:30." I looked over at the clock to see that it read '3:15'.

"Ah! We need to go now!" I grabbed a sweater and black, lace-up boots with 3-inch heels.

We arrive at the restaurant and spot Natsu and Lucy sitting in the back. Walkign up to them, we say our 'hellos' and sit down. After a minute or two the waitress comes out.

"Hi, my name's Levy," the waitress looked up and her eyes widen.

"Levy!" We all shout in unison.

"Hi guys! Haven't seen you in a while."

"I know, so how are things going with Gajeel?" Lucy asked.

"Good! We love each other very much," she winked and held out her hand.

"Oh wow! It's so pretty," I exclaimed.

"Yeah, I love it. Anyway, before i get in trouble, do you know what you want?"

We ordered, ate, and chatted for about two hours, then pared ways.

After arriving at home I take off my boots and am pushed onto the bed.

"Can I have my kisses now?"

"Nope, you didn't behave at dinner! I felt you touching my leg."

"Aw! Come on, just one!"

"Haha! Gray, have you turned into a whinner?" I pushed him off of me and created a force field surrounding the bed.

Gray's POV

Ugh. She won't let me have my kiss! Well if she won't let me have it, I'll just take it.

I touched my finger to the force field and froze it solid.


I tapped the ice and it shattered. Grabbing ____'s arm, I pulled her into a kiss.

"I love you, Gray!" I looked down at her and a smile spread across my face.

'She said it! I'm so happy right now, I could die!'

"I love you too!"

Cheat: Gray x Erza and Natsu x Reader x GajeelWhere stories live. Discover now