Reiki Fernandez

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Age: 17

Appearance: Has red hair like his mother's and Rosemary's and has hazel eyes. He also has a red marking under his left eyes resembling the one his father has.

Guild mark: It's blue and is on his right shoulder blade.

Magic: His destruction magic compresses eternano from the air, manipulating its energy causing it to explode. He is afraid to use this Mage in fear of hurting someone, especially his sister. He is a requipting swordsman like his mother but can't accomplish The Knight magic.

Personality: Is very confident and cocky most of the time but when he's around Sylvia Fullbuster(who he looovvvveeesss), he gets all flustered and looses brain cells by the millisecond. Spends a lot of time at the guild and training. Loves making fun of Nash Dragneel. Most people are intimidated by him but most of the time he's harmless. He's usually the leader of the group, may it be missions or friends.

Friends: Gale Redfox and Nash Dragneel. And he thinks he's friends with Sylvia.

History: Once his sisters magic started surpassing his, he started using his destruction magic more in hope of getting back the top but he just ended up destroying half the guild hall. Now, he's totally proud of his sister and totally supports her.

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