Chapter Six - Too Easy

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Rosemary's POV

"Oh my god! You didn't tell me that we were going to Hargeon!" Nash yells as we walk through the city to our inn. "You didn't ask. What's so special about This place?" I ask, looking around. "My parents met here!" Nash yells, getting overly excited.

Everyone has funny or cute stories on how their parents met. Nova's have known each other since they were kids. Rin's met during the Phantom Lord war, they were fighting at the time but it's still funny. Luna's met here. Now, maybe Gale's parent's story isn't as nice but still! My parents were held captive in the tower of heaven until my dad was manipulated by my aunt Ultear and tried to kill mom multiple times.

We reached the inn and checked in. We made a plan for all of us to head to the Anti-Magic guild later that night.

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Me and Reiki walk through the back alleys of Hargeon, making our way to the guild. "Why am I going on the first attack with you?" Reiki asks quietly. "Why wouldn't you? We're the Royal Fairies!" I say triumphantly. "I know but why didn't you pick Nova or Luna for this? They're better than I am..." He says and I stare at him. "Don't look down on your self like that. You're more powerful then you think..." I say. He smiles warmly and we approach the guild.

"There it is..." He says but I'm already gone. I kick the door open. "Knock knock!" I yell, crossing my arms. Reiki walks in behind me. "You spend too much time with The Dragneels, Rose..." He sighs. "Whatever. I want to kick their butt..." I whine. "Fine. Let's do this." He says.

I go to make the first move but Reiki beats me to it. "Burst!" He Chants, waving his hand. There's a few pops not to far from me. I know that sound! I duck down, guarding my head. I hear the explosion and wait a couple seconds before standing up. After the dust clears, I see that he's taken out half of them. "Cmon! Save some for me!" I whine and take my stance.

These guys are going down too easy, something's not right. "Energy Freeze!" Purple magic circles appear under all the guild members. They try to get away but they get frozen in place. This won't last long... I'm still recovering from the train. I dig through my bag, I don't know which one to use!! Speed Crystal? No, I'm too tired for that, it would make me pass out from exhaustion. Water? No, there's not enough water here... What about-? It's risky but I'll try it. I take out a light blue crystal and crush it under my foot. "Ice Blast!" I yell, putting out my hands. My regular purple magic circle turns blue and I shot ice out of my hands, freezing them all in ice.

Once the magic fades, I fall to my knees, breathing heavily, I've been using too many crystals today. "Rosemary!" I hear Reiki yell. I look around and don't see him. Then, I spot him frozen in the big piece of ice that I froze the others in. "Reiki!" I crawl over to him. "I-I can't get you out, I-I don't have enough magic-" I fall to the ground, last thing I hear before I pass out is Reiki calling my name.

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"Rosemary... Rose, wake up." I open my eyes slowly and look around. I see someone in front of me. "Guys! She's awake!" They yell. My vision clears and I try and sit up. "Rose, no. You're still weak..." Reiki says, pushing me back on the bed. "What happened...?" I ask weakly. "You took down almost an entire Anti-Magic by your self!" Luna cheers. "Don't praise her! That was irresponsible!" Nova snaps, glaring down at me. "You should have waited for us. You used too much magical energy!" She scolds me. "Holding back isn't in my dictionary, Nova." I grin at her. "So. When are we going home?" I ask no one in particular. "In an hour or so..." Reiki says. "You get some rest before we leave." He says and kisses my forehead before leaving.

Rin's POV

I stay in the room with Rosemary, lying on my bed, reading. "Whatcha reading?" I hear from across the room. Rosemary is sitting up, her long red hair sitting on her shoulders instead of in her Regular braid. She sits with her Crystal Bag on her lap. "Shouldn't you be sleeping?" I ask, closing my book. "Don't avoid the question. What's the book?" She smirks. I walk over to her bed and sit on the empty one next to it. "It's just a book on Lost magic." I say, looking down at my hands. "What are you doing with that?" I ask, pointing to the bag.

"Oh, I was just going through them and seeing how much of each I had left." She smiles and dumps out the bag of crystals. Wow, there's a lot in there, more than I thought. They're all different colours and I'm assuming that each colour does a different thing. "Can you tell me what they all do?" I ask. Why did I ask that? She probably thinks I'm pushy and clingy. "Of course. Come closer." She beckons me closer. I slowly stand up and sit next to her, shoulder to shoulder. I blush and look away. I'm good. I'll be alright.

"This one is a lightning one. I don't use it much because it's really dangerous. Curdisy of Laxus." She holds up a yellow one. "This one is water. Your sister helped me with this one. I actually have to go to her for more soon..." She says, looking down At the blue crystal. If she goes to talk to Sylvia... That could be bad, but I don't say anything. She goes on, showing me what all her crystals can do. Until she finally reaches the one we made together. "And here's the vine one we made..." She turns and smiles at me. Our faces are a matter of inches apart. I start to lean in. No! Stop! I press my mouth to hers and kiss her. It takes her a couple seconds to realize what I just did, but then she kisses me back! She kisses me back?

I pull away and back away, almost falling off the bed. "I'm so sorry! That was totally uncalled for! I'll just go!" I run towards the door. "Rin! Wait!" She calls but I'm already gone.

Rosemary's POV

What just happened? I don't know what just happened. I watch Rin run out and slam the door behind him. I just kissed Rin Fullbuster? It doesn't sound right... I shove all the Crystal back in my bag but hear something from the bottom. My communication lacrima, it's mom. Crap! I'm all flushed! And I have a big bruise on the side of my face. I pick it up anyway.

"Hey mom..." I say, weakly, trying to calm my self. "Rosemary! What happened to you? Why is your face all red?" She demands, getting closer to her lacrima. "Nothing! It's just hot out!" I lie. "Rosemary. It's the middle of Fall." She says, squinting. Dang it! "I took out The guild by my self okay?!" I yell, I wince, preparing for her yelling. "ALL BY YOUR SELF?! THAT WAS SO IRRESPONSIBLE OF YOU! DIDNT WE JUST-" But my dad comes in to view and puts her hand on her shoulder. "Didn't you call to tell you something else, Erza?" He asks. My mom takes a deep breath and tries to calm her self. "You're right. I called to tell you that it's Trial time and we need all of you home..." She says, a fire still in her eyes. Trial? "D-do you mean S-class trials?!" I yell, getting excited. "Yes. Tell the others we need you home immediately..." With that, she hangs up so she can yell at dad.

Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! S-class trails? Has it been 5 years already? Oh no... Am I going to have to fight Nova? I shiver and try and stand up. I limp to the door and open it. I walk down the stairs. All of them are in the cafe in the inn. While walking down stairs, I braid my hair and tie it with the ribbon around my wrist.

"Hey guys." I say and sit next to Nova. "Hey. How you feeling?" She asks and I smile. "Good actually and I have some news." Everyone looks up at me. I spot Rin down the table and look away. "The S-class trails are starting. We need to go home now." Everyone stares at me in shock while Nova just laughs. "I've been waiting for Master Erza to tell you! I've known forever!" She laughs. Of course she knew.

"Well we need to catch the next train!" I say and head upstairs. I pack up my communication lacrima and head downstairs. Everyone else already has their stuff ready. We head out, walking in a big group. We file on to the train, I grab Rin's arm just before he gets on. I push him against the wall and kiss him. I pull away and walk back to the train. "We'll talk later..."

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