Chapter Ten - Disguises

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What are they trying to pull here? She's already here? What is she gonna do? Attack us in the middle of the forest. The thought sent shivers down my back.

"Rose. Isn't Gale Levy's son?" Cyrine asks. "I see someone's been paying attention. And yes. Thank goodness he's out the running." I sigh with relief, I didn't even think about that. Gale could identify most of these runes easily.

"Okay everyone." My mom says as she walks past each of us. She gives each pair a scroll of parchment. "This will keep track of your rune tally. Good luck. You have until sun down to finish." And with that, we ran.

Carly's POV

Me and Eddie's goal, find Levy or Freed. Preferably Levy. Eddie and me flew up over the trees and started looking for signs of the two mages.

Suddenly I felt something strike us and we started plummeting to the earth. What was that???? It felt like some kind of magical blast. Luckily, we landed in a tree.

"Eddie? You okay?" I look around for any signs of the exceed. "Down here..." I hear him croak from the ground. I guess he wasn't so fortunate. I hop down and wince at the bump on his head. I pick him up and gasp, almost dropping the woozy cat.

Behind his back was a Rune that he was leaning on. I start to back away, because if it was a point one, our scroll would have done something by now. But before we knew it, we were in enveloped in darkness.

Rin's POV

"C'mon Syl! Hurry! We've only found one Rune and it was only worth one point. We've gotta catch up!" I whine and turn around and glare at Sylvia who was dragging her butt and slowing is down.

"But I don't wanna." She groans and wipes some sweat from her forehead. I look up at the sun beating down on us, using my hand to block the light.

I hear a yelp and something muffled and quickly turn around and don't see Sylvia. "Syl? Where'd you go?" I walk around a little. "This isn't funny..." Then she comes out from behind the tree, but there's something off. "Sis, are you alright? Were you just trying to scare me?" And she just nods aggressively, pressing her lips together.

"Okay then..." I give her a skeptical and strange look. And we continue walking and she follows at a reasonable pace. I can't help but feel there's something wrong here.


Me and Rosemary are doing fairly well for the time being. We avoided one trap but I getting out of there as fast as our legs could carry us. But I can't shake the feeling that something or someone is following us.

"Hey, I'm just going to go around this little hill quick to see if there's anything, just stay here." Rosemary explains and I do as told and sit on a boulder.

"Piri Piri." I whip my head around, gripping my staff. "Who's there?" I demand but I get no answer. I see a flash of blue fly across my vision. And another one.

"What is this..." And then I'm knocked down on my back by some force. And standing over me... Is, me? Another me? A copy? And next to me is a blonde woman who looks very familiar but I'm getting sleepy.

"Ms. Lucy, did we get the right one?" I hear my own voice say. Lucy? As in Nash and Luna's mom.

"Yup, this is her." Yes, it's definitely Lucy. "Take her to the finish and go to Rosemary. She's in for a surprise in disguise."

Luna's POV

My goodness, this is sheer madness. How in the world am I supposed to be able to tell the difference between a good and bad Rune?

"I think this one is safe..." Cindy says as she examines the Rune on a rock. "Are you sure?" I ask. We've already picked three traps. "No."

I growl and pull on my hair. I turn away from her and look around the area. We're right next to a large waterfall. A glittering river flowing into a lake in the distance. I look across the river and-


"LEVY! OVER HERE!" I exclaim loudly, running up to the shore. There was Levy, siting across the river under a big cotton wood tree. Around the tree was fairly tall bushes that would easily disguise someone of her stature. The place she was sitting in created a nature dome. In her little space, she was surrounded by books.

I trudged through the current of river and collapsed in front of her. Cindy soon flies over the river. "Luna, you had no need to walk through the lake, I could have just flown you over." She points out and I glare at her.

Levy McGarden barely looks up from her book. "I though you supposed to be moving around so it's harder to track you down?" I say, sitting up cross legged.

"I'm surprised you found me in the first place, I felt no need to move around because I was so well hidden." Levy says simply. "Well we could only see you if we were looking from directly across the river.

She just nods and puts down her book. "Can I assume you need some Runes?" I nod excitedly. Levy nods again and reaches into a pile of papers. "Tell me now... How many point do you have currently?" She asks, looking through the small pieces of paper.

"Uh. Um... Well, we have 2 points." I gulp and Levy just smiles. She hands me two pieces of paper. "This one is the most common bad one you'll find, this one the good one." She smiles pointing at them.

"Ah! Thanks so much!" I stand up and brush my self off. I decide to follow the river with Cindy in hopes of finding Runes.

I look back at Levy but I can't even see her among her reading tree nook.


My fairy tail fan fiction readers! I apologize profusely for taking so long to update this. I know everyone has been asking a lot and so sorry again. Really hoped you enjoyed!

Keepin' it fresh

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