Nova Dreyer

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Age: 18

Appearance: Her blonde hair comes from her father while her eyes are usually blue like her mother's but change when she's using her magic.

Guild Mark: purple on her upper thigh.

Magic: Her Omnicounter magic is a very rare form of counter magic, allowing her to absorb others magic and use her self for a while. With each type of magic she absorbs, her eyes change colour. For example: if she were to absorb earth magic, her eyes would turn brown. The magic she takes can only last so long though. She is an S-class Mage.

Personality: Witty, sarcastic and funny. For some reason, everyone loves her and she loves everyone. Now she's definitely not a perky person but she gets along with most(except Gale Redfox). Ends up hanging out with the younger ones more.

Friends: Rosemary, Luna and Reiki.

History: She helped train Rosemary when she was little and she was one of the only ones who excepted her. Her first mission was a disaster, even with her powerful magic. She was 13 and went with her father. She ended up destroying a village(but that was normal) but she ended up taking some Tear Magic and couldn't figure out how to get rid of it for 3 days. She won the last S-class trails.

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