Chapter Seven - And so it begins

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Rosemary's POV

By the Time we reach the guild, the place is almost empty. Everyone is on a mission, I guess. The only people around are the adults. I sit down with Luna, Cyrine and Carly and sigh. "I wonder when they're going to make the announcement of who's participating..." I say. I would have asked Nova but she disappeared right after we got back into town.

"I hear they're only letting 7 people go to the trails this year." Luna says, putting her head on the table. We were all pretty tired, it was around 4 o'clock in the afternoon and we had been on a train for 3 hours, we were exhausted. "How would you know? You just found out about this this morning." Carly laughs.

Cyrine stays out of the conversation, she doesn't know much about this stuff anyway. "I'm going down to the library if you guys need anything..." I stand up and walk down the stairs to the library. I put my bag on the table and lay on the floor on a pile of pillows, staring at the ceiling.

I guess I fell asleep, because I wake up to Luna shaking me awake. "They're back! They're making an announcement!" She yells. I jerk awake and grab my bag and run upstairs with out question. The guild hall was extremely crowed, I find I seat near the back with my brother.

"Attention Fairy Tail!" My mom says from the stage. "It's time to announce the candidates for the S-class trails!" She yells. "Luna Dragneel!" Luna cheers and her Father stands up. "I'm all fired up!" He yells and Gray yells from the other side of the guild. "Shut up you over cooked geyser!" Natsu just sits down resisting the urge to set him on fire. "Storm Fullbuster!" I thought he might have been.

"Rosemary Fernandez!" I know it sounds self centred but I'm not surprised. "Rin Fullbuster!" I look over at Rin who looks excited yet nervous. "Gale Redfox!" No surprises either. "Carly Marvell!" Carly? She's only 13 and they're putting her through the S-class trails? That could be problematic. "And Yuuki Alliona!" Yuuki? I've seen her around the guild. She joined when we were kids but I forget what kind of magic she used. I look over at her, she has silver hair with bright blue eyes, she's no older than 15.

Well there you have it! The S-class trails have begun. But who will be my partner? I look around the guild. Most of my friends are participating them selves. "Hey Cyrine. Wanna be my partner?" I ask. "Me? Really?" She asks shocked and I just nod. She smiles at me and agrees. I watch the others team up. Luna with her Exceed, Carly does the same. Rin with Sylvia, Gale with Reiki, Strom with Nash, Me with Cyrine and Yuuki... An Exceed since when does she have an exceed?? I shake it off and concentrate on the task at hand. One week. I have one week to prepare for this. And I sure hope I'm ready.

Rin's POV

Was I hoping that I wasn't going to be chosen so I could be Rosemary's partner? Maybe. But now we'll be competing against each other, which is bad, cause Rose is always fierce in competitions. Will I win? Not possible. Will I make it through the first round? Highly unlikely. But me and Syl will do our best.

More important question. Are me and Rosemary dating? Because we kissed twice and I have no clue what so ever. But I push it out of my mind for the time being. It's time to start training.

Rosemary! Yay!

It's been a couple days and me and Cyrine haven't done as much physical training, more mental. Forming a plan of sorts.

"Every time, they pick at least 3 current S-class for us to fight at some point during the trails. My guess is The Dreyars." I say, sitting on The floor of Cyrine's place in Fairy Hills. I spread out a map of Tenrou island that I drew the best I could. "This is the best I could do. I've only been there twice when I was younger." Cyrine nods and looks over the maps. "The Dreyars? Who are they?" She asks, still looking at the sketched map. "Nova and her parents. Mirajane and Laxus. They're all S-class mages. And quite scary when together..." I shiver at the thought.

"I see... So what has happened in the past trails? Like what events." Cyrine asks, siting up against her bed. "Well the one when my parents were teenagers never finished... There was... Natsu's, Gray's... Levy's. Nova's." I list them off, counting with my fingers. "There's been four since the Grimoire Heart incident. I remember Levy's. I was just a little kid, but Gajeel was so mad that his wife is S-class and he's not. He still is mad about it..." I laugh and Cyrine smiles at me. "Is there any repeating patterns?" She asks.

"Actually, yes!" I point out a system of tunnels by the edge of the island. "There's several tunnels here that they use every year to eliminate the weaklings. There's usually S-class waiting in there for you to fight." I say, remembering Nova having to fight her father, she almost didn't win. "Interesting. Who do we not want to face the most?" She asks, curious as to who is the biggest treat. "Most likely, Mirajane." I say, nodding my head. "Mira? Really? But she seems harmless." Cyrine says in confusion.

I just burst out laughing. "She's known all across Fiore as The She Devil. I think if her and my mom ever truly fought, it would be the end of us all." I laugh, putting my hand on her shoulder. "It's alright, you've only been here for barely two weeks. You'll learn. Now let's head to the forest for some real training."

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