Rin Fullbuster

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Age: 16

Appearance: Has blue hair with black on the bottom and black eyes. He also as a tattoo of a cross on the back of his neck. He also has the stripping habit.

Guild Mark: Light blue on his right abdomen.

Magic: His plasma beam magic is something you should not mess with. He brings eternano from the air and the earth and concentrates it into beams from his hands, when doing so, golden marks appear on his upper body. His earth magic is in the name, but he controls earth elements. Which means he can control already grown plants and growth as well as earth it self.

Personality: A joker, hot headed and easily jealous. He has the biggest crush on Rosemary but refuses to admit it. He strips when nervous and especially around Rosemary. Oblivious to his stripping habit. Loves to sleep and tends to do so in the most random places. He's very protective of his twin sister Sylvia.

Friends: Luna Dragneel, Sylvia and Rosemary.

History: He first started liking Rosemary the minute he saw her. He hadn't met her until they were both 5 because The Fernandez's had been away from the guild for a while and Rosemary was to be kept away because of her power until she was a bit older. They became best friends but then drifted apart when Rose started serious magic training. But now that they are full fledged members of the guild now and see each other more often, his feelings are back stronger than ever.

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