Chapter Three - The Crystal Siren

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Cyrine's POV

I don't blame her for being shocked. And I know they were sent here to capture me and I don't blame them for that either, I've done some bad things. Maybe not on purpose but still.

"Y-you're the Crystal Siren?" She asks. "In the flesh... Unfortunately..." I sigh and put my writs out. "I know you Fairy Tails were sent here to take me in... So go ahead." I look down, my staff sitting in my lap. "Wait! There's no way you're this infamous villain that everyone is talking about! You're only a kid! How could you be the Crystal Siren that destroys villages by the dozens..." Rosemary declares, pushing my wrists away. "But I did do all those things!" I yell. "The guilt is eating me alive! Please... Take me..." I plead but before she could react, I pass out.

Rosemary POV

"Cyrine!" I call, catching her before she hits the ground. I pick her up in my arms, along with her staff and start walking. She's very light for a 13 year old. "Rin!" I call out into the forest. I hear something bounding towards me and see Rin burst through the trees. "What's wrong?" He demands, getting awkwardly close to my face. He looks down and sees the girl in my arms and jumps back. "Who's that?" He yells, pointing at the white haired girl. I bite my lip, I'm not going to tell him who she is just yet, we need to get her taken care of first. "This Cyrine... I found her unconscious by the river. She woke up for a couple minutes  and told me who she was..." I look dead into his eyes. I've gained a good lying skill. But Rin watches me so much that he might be able to tell.

He stares at me for a second before nodding. We both head for the guild hall. I hand Cyrine off to Rin but carry her staff my self, in fear of it hurt him. I pull out the communication card that Cana made for each team. "Nova... Call off the look out... We found a girl in forest, she doesn't seem to be hurt but she's unconscious." I say into the card. "Alright. You call Sylvia and Reiki. I'll get Luna, Nash and Storm." She says and I agree and hang up. "Alright. Let's keep going. I have to call Sylvia though..." We keep walking and I call Sylvia.

Sylvia POV

This is not going well... We sit on the guild halls roof, looking over the city. Reiki is rambling on about something, I think some TV show. "Shut up for a sec..." I say more rudely than I meant to. I pick up the communication card. "What's up Rose?" I say into it. "Call off the look out. Go inside the guild, everyone's coming. I'll explain when we get there..." She says back and hangs up. "That's weird..." I look at the card for a couple seconds before putting it back in my pocket. "Speaking of weird..." I mutter and walk over to Reiki. "Hey. The look out is called off. They said to head inside..." I say to him and he stops talking for the first time in ten minutes.

"Oh. Alright..." He says and climbs in the window followed by me. We both sit in the almost empty guild hall in silence. Waiting for the others to show up. First is Rin and Rosemary and someone else...? Rin is carrying a young girl and Rose is carrying a weird a staff thing.

"Who's This?" Reiki asks before I can. "Long story. I'll tell it when the others get here..." Rosemary says and takes the girl from Rin and takes her to the infirmary. She leaves the staff thing with me after specifically telling me not to touch the stone on top and I obey.

After a couple minutes, Luna, Nash and Storm show up, posing the same questions with the same responses, followed by Gale and Nova.

Rosemary's POV

I put in the bed and dig through my bag for my last healing Crystal. I press it to the girls chest and close my eyes, willing it to work. Her breathing seems to steady more but she stay asleep. I think she's just tired...

I walk back down stairs, quite exhausted for some reason. "Rose? Are you okay?" Reiki asks as I stumble down the stairs and in sit in a chair. "Yeah..." I say quietly. "How many healing crystals did you use today?" He ask, sitting next to me. "2... I think..." Using the Sky Dragon Healing crystals really drains my magic energy, the only energy I have left right now is My second origin...

"You're pushing your self to hard..." Reiki says with concern and I just wave it off. Luna is the first one to ask; "Who in the heck is that kid?". "That... Is Cyrine. The Crystal Siren..." I say weakly. Everyone just stares at me. "No way that little girl is The Crystal Siren!" Storm yells.

"I'm afraid I am..." We all look up to see the girl coming down the stairs from the infirmary. Why does she look so beaten up...? "May I please have that?" She asks Sylvia for her staff and she hands it over. As soon as the staff is in her hands, she looks better already.

"You can take me and turn me on if you like... I did destroy all those villages... By accident though..." She says softly, looking down at her bare feet. "How did you do it by accident?" Luna asks from across the room.

Cyrine glazes into the Crystal on the top of her staff while she bangs the bottom on the wood floor. A projection comes out of the Crystal and she begins to speak.

"I don't remember a life before being The Crystal Siren... I don't know who I am... All I could remember was my name... Cyrine Geminel. I would travel from village to village, pleading for help but no one would listen. This Crystal, let me gain Siren Magic,hypnotizing people to do my bidding. It was fun at first but then it started getting out of hand. The people who weren't under my control hunted me... And in the end, each village would end up destroyed....

"This Crystal... As I now know is my soul... My body is a mere puppet that my soul moves for it. My memory comes back in bits and pieces but that's all I know about my staff. I don't know what I really look like..." Cyrine is on the brink of tears, she's on her knees. As she had told her story, images and clips of her memory of it displayed on the projection.

We all stared at her for a moment. I used my last bit of strength and walked over to her and put my hand on her should. I looked into her Crystal blue eyes. "Join Fairy Tail..." I said simply and she just looked up at me and in confusion. "W-why would you want a criminal-" but I cut her off. "My father, was one of the most wanted men by the magic council. Do you know where he is now? An S-class Mage and the husband of its guild master..." I say sincerely.

"We accept anyone who is worthy. And I know you are, Cyrine." I put out my hand for her. "Come join Fairy Tail..." She looks at me in utter awe and take my hand and starts to cry. She ran into my arms. "Thank you so much!" She cried into my chest and I just hugged her.

"Now. Go up the infirmary and get some rest..." I said to her in a soft tone. She nods and heads up the stairs, using her staff for support.

"Eh! Rose! You going soft for this girl?" Reiki calls and I stalk over. I lean down, tap both his knees and with my last bit of magical energy, pull the energy out of them. "What's it to you?" I smirk and walk out the doors and start heading home. Mom and dad must be worried by now.

Cyrine POV

It was the first last name I could think of, Okay?! Yes, everything I told them was true about my past and the Crystal and my soul and everything! But just couldn't tell them my last name, it would pose a lot of questions I couldn't answer... Cyrine Vermillion.

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