Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: Feelings & Evil Plans

Karen's POV

Marcus and I were walking down the hall to attend the Thanks Giving get together. So far we've been enjoying it until out of nowhere Katy Perry's Firework started playing and we all started laughing because she was the first half breed wolf to become a famous singer. After that finished playing Marcus confessed to me. "Hey Karen, I really like you." 

I was shocked, but something inside me told me that my feelings for him were slowly developing. Replying I replied with, "I think I like you to Marcus, you make me feel funny." He took that as a positive sign as he started kissing  me. 

After that we started eating one of the many turkeys I had prepared for the pack. Marcus and I were looking at the alpha hogging 2 turkeys to himself. "So, I think you had enough alpha." I giggled as he moved on to his third turkey. 

"With your cooking, I will eat all the turkeys you made." He said proudly as the rest of the pack laughed while agreeing. We finished eating as we put our meals away. Everybody in the pack went to the huge pack living room while talking and chatting with each other. I left a little later with Marcus following me, feeling tired.

12:00am. Back Home 

When we got home Marcus immediately grabbed me and pulled me in for a huge sloppy kiss. For some reason I started feeling this tingly feeling throughout my body again. It was weird, but a good kind of weird. "Do you feel that too?" Marcus asked as his lips disengaged mines. 

"Yes." I replied as I blushed. His eyes started gleaming with happiness, I could gaze into his light gray eyes all day. 

"Maybe we're mates." I was so happy for some reason because mates were rare. Even more rare since I was the last breed pure she wolf. I hugged him. Instead of him, pinning me against the wall I pinned him against the wall and began kissing him with passion. "Me likey." Marcus said while waggling his eyebrows.

I blushed as we continued to kiss when all of a sudden we heard a huge crash downstairs. We quickly got down to the first floor to what was happening. When we got down there was over fifty werewolves sniffing over the broken section of the house, searching for something. Marcus is quickly being protective put me behind his back and told me to alarm our alpha.

"Be careful!" I said and ran back to the pack mansion where the pack was still winding down. Quickly, I transformed into my wolf state and ran to the alpha mansion. Suddenly I was tackled to the ground as a wolf appeared to the right of me. I whimpered from all the weight he had added on to me. As he got up I tried to make a run for it, but he bit into the scruff of my neck and took me along to wherever we were going. I passed out slowly from the way he was holding my scruff as my airways were constricted.

Marcus's POV

I watched as Karen changed into her beautiful mahogany and black colored wolves followed by two more wolves chasing after her. I wished her a good luck in my head, but sadly I also had my own problems to tend to. My wolf cried out to her as she disappeared into the distance. I was up against over forty wolves. I was about to change into my wolf form, but somehow I blacked out.

Chris's POV 

Haha, I thought as I finally got what I wanted and that was my little she wolf Karen. We were going to raise hell when we have my army of newly trained werewolf pups. That stupid mutt Marcus I think his name was, was taken out quickly and put into one of my cages were he would slowly rot to death. No food or water. Just a giant heat lamp. I was such a good torturer.

One of my guards came back as Karen slowly woke up with a look of terror on her beautiful face. Man she was turning me on so much right now, I just wanted to ravish her in-front of everybody but I controlled myself well. Wish I could say that for the hard member in my jeans though.

"Hi Karen, remember me from the office?" I said reining innocent.

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