Chapter 10

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Chapter 10: Beginnings

Karen's POV

I got out of the shower with Chris following behind as he grabbed some towels to dry both of us. I let him towel me down as I wrapped one around my head. "I need to get some things in town, I want you to go to the market and pick up some food for the pack and I." Chris told me as he used his speed to quickly get dressed and went to go get items or whatever he was buying.

Happy that it was he was gone, I went to go release some tension and buy groceries. I tired clothes and purse on my back and morphed into my wolf as I left the mansion. I swiveled around the trees as I rushed around at top speed panting heavily, wanting to feel that freedom. The kids wouldn't wake up for a while. They had already turned five months old in a few weeks. Now that I think about it, I was actually ten years old If I didn't count my werewolf age. That made me giggle in my head as my wolf came to a stop near a tree stump. I was going to be seventeen soon after age years, though, and I still had at least more than two hundred years to live. Being a werewolf had its perks. I heard some stomping of paws coming to me and turned around to see what was heading in my direction.

"Oh my gosh!" I cried, trying to communicate with him through the mind link werewolves had. "Marcus is that you?" I questioned, looking at him.

"Hello?" I tried again when I heard a growl from it.

I couldn't tell. It looked like Marcus' wolf, but it smelled different but familiar.

"Marcus, hello?" I said.

It growled and lifting its head, eyes glaring deeply into the mines. Blood red eyes. I stared back with wide eyes. "It's me Karen." The wolf said in the mind link way more raspy than Marcus' voice actually sounded. "I came to take back what's mines." I heard.

I rushed towards him trying to greet him. It was Marcus! I had Marcus back! As I got to him, he slammed me onto my back on the dirt forest floor and growled. He looked at me then down a little. He moved my defending paw from my face and bit into my neck where Chris had marked me. "Ark!" I barked out in pain as he bit deeply into Chris' mark and began sucking. I tried to keep my eyes wide, but something was also being transferred into me as he began sucking my blood.

I could feel it leaking through his fangs, hitting the fur and seeping into the wound around his teeth. It was slimy and slippery, kind of like lube but thicker. It was two minutes of getting my blood drained from me when I stopped fighting back and became silent, whimpering softly. He finished drinking from me as he got up looked at me and licked his lips. His eye color was the normal bright brown it used to be. I smiled weakly. I stilled loved Marcus with all my heart.

I lay there on the cold forest floor weakly as he licked my cheek fur and began to leave. I passed out as I watched him wander back into the deep part of the forest.

An hour later I woke up with Chris watching me and shaking my shoulders. "Jeez, what happened, Karen? We have some urgent news I need to tell everybody." Chris said, bringing me back to the mansion.

Back at the Mansion

"We have news that a group of rogue vampires is turning werewolves or humans into hybrids or vampires. After their deaths they become charged with super newborn vampire/hybrid powers so I advise you to be careful and keep patrols, extra tight." Chris said alerting the remaining fifteen members of his pack, aka "the strongest remaining ones." Chris liked to brag to me about.

"Yes Sir!" They all replied in unison bowing, then leaving the room.

Chris slapped me all of a sudden as I flinched back and held my face. "Where is the food?" Chris asked. "I'm a very patient and loving man Karen but if I am disobeyed there will be consequences."

"I forgot to buy them." I replied, thinking about Marcus.

He slapped me again on the other side of my cheek. I stared at him with a hurt expression on my face and his face softened. "Go get the children or watched them, I'll get somebody else to get the groceries since you can't handle a simple task." Chris said, dismissing me and went outside into the woods to call a pack member.

Ty's POV (A member of Chris' pack)

Damn, I thought as I had to go on food patrol today and get the food to the pack. I strapped the chain from my wallet around my thigh along with my jeans and tank top as I morphed into my wolf form and went though the forest, towards the town to reach the nearest grocery store. As I was running swiftly something tackled me from the right leg, which caused me to spiral diagonally and crash into a tree stump. It hopped on me and I flipped it off. I was a warrior if this thing wanted a fight I would bring it down!

I wiggled the dirt off my body and glared at my opponent, lips pulled back and snarling. I gasped. "I thought I killed you." I tried saying linking to the other wolf's mind link.

"Well, every ending is a new beginning and today is your end of your new beginning." It said as it came at me with blinding speed, lifted its paw and took a swipe at my head, knocking me out. Followed by a feeling of being drained.

Maria's POV

I sighed as I woke up and left Christine's house. I was afraid I would lose control and eat her so I went around the house and found a black cat and sucked it dry. There was a near dead mouse near the cat's house so I sucked it dry also. It squeaked a few times, but died as its blood was drained completely.

Finished, I ran towards the forest and began to look for the people who tried to help me before I was double bit. First by that werewolf then by the vampire when I was knocked out. That day was beyond scary, I thought. Before I died, I think her name was Karen was trying to help me. So I tried looking for her first. It was an hour in before I started getting anxious. There were no dead bodies or any signs of them. I wonder what happened to them

A twig snapped.

I turned around to face the intruder when I saw over a dozen of red eyes staring back at me. They all were werewolves also. The leader popped out of the middle of the red eyes and looked at me. "Mine." said in my head and it's linked with my mind.

Beyond terrified I ran for my life and got taken down pretty quickly. I turned around and began pounding on its muzzle. "Where you going baby? Say hello to your new mate cause your mines now." He said as he bit into my neck. Fuck! I thought as I tried to fight him. This world is fucked up!

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