Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: Marcus

Karen's POV

As Chris wrote his ideas I tried to get up a plenty of times, but he had his left arm wrapped around my stomach, preventing me from going so, I patiently waited for him to finish. Only to smell Marcus coming closer to where Chris and I were. I quickly tried to distract Chris as I turned his chair around so he wouldn't see them. I elbowed him in the stomach and stood up, looking at him "You stupid jerk, let me go back home." I growled as I saw his face frown slightly as he stood up with his wolf speed and quickly pinned me onto the floor. I stared up at him as he glared down at me.

"Now you be a good girl and don't make me mad." Chris said as I glanced past by him and saw Marcus and Jeff going past the room. They noticed they were going to get caught and froze so I quickly kissed Chris with false passion, distracting him as the two quickly left when I told Marcus to leave in my mind.

Chris began to get too excited and he wasn't wearing any pants. I groaned as I felt his member starting to dip pre fluid onto me. It was the perfect moment because my stomach growled distracting him. "Hungry babe?" He asked as I nodded my head yes, remembering I haven't eaten in over a day.

As we got the kitchen, he started frying some bacon. "Pass me the eggs." he said, pointing at the fridge. I opened the fridge and took the eggs out of the holders and handed them to him.

"I need to go to the bathroom Chris." I said, looking at him as he growled and slapped my butt. Damn pervert, I thought as I quickly searched for a bathroom in the house. I saw Marcus and Jeff and told them they were going to hide somewhere because Chris's pack was outside guarding the mansion because they were going to attack our pack soon. 

"Okay." They replied and went inside one of the many guest rooms to take refuge. I went back into the kitchen and watched as Chris plating over fifty plates on the huge table. He had made food for the whole pack which was rare in an alpha. I guess he did care about his pack in some way as he whistled loudly signaling something. Soon his pack came rushing through the doors happy as they saw food on the table. All bowing their bloody bodies at the alpha, praising him, and thanking him.

I ate with Chris quickly and tried to leave the room as they were all talking and having laughs between each other. Chris grabbed me before I left and told me to make seconds for his pack as he had to tend to some more plans he didn't finish. I quickly went back into the kitchen and proceed to make seconds for them as I smelt arousal filled the room slightly. I turned around and watched as some of the guys shuffled in their seats  trying to get comfortable as they watched my butt from behind as I was cooking. I still only had the white button up, but that didn't seem to bother the males in the back. Nudity was probably normal to them. "Food's ready." I said as I placed everything onto a huge platter and put it to the center of the table. I leaned further as the button up rose and exposed my backside and one of the guys made a "woof" sound at me as they laughed. 

"Perverts!" I growled and left the room as they continued to eat. I tried to find where Marcus and Jeff were when I heard crying down the hallway.

Chris's POV

I quickly left Karen to cook for my men as I went to review over some plans and get them ready for action. I met with one of my warriors outside and to tell him to see what was going on at the Shadow Pack and to observe them. "No, I wanna eat with the rest of the pack." he replied because he was hungry.

I looked at him before backhanding his useless ass to the floor and punched him in the gut ten times before grabbing him by the scruff and forcing him to face me. "Get the fuck up an go check you idiot." I growled, throwing him on the floor. "My mate will make your food when you get back, now go!" I yelled at him as he left quickly. 

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