Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: Belief

Karen's POV

I couldn't believe my eyes! Was that really Marcus? Or was it just a dream? Maybe I was high. Yeah, that totally makes sense, I'm totally smoked a bunch of weed and was in a high coma, I thought.


Blinking back into weariness I looked at what poked my face to see Marcus staring at me with an amused look on his face, we were both in our human forms again. I put my hand over my face and began chanting, refusing to believe that this was real or he was real again.

"La la la, You're not real and I'm just going crazy. Leave me alone you crazy poltergeist." I exclaimed.

"Babe, don't worry, I'm here now and I'm staying." Marcus cooed as he put his hands around my waist and his head on my shoulder as he wrapped me in a warm hug.

"I saw, I saw your neck get ripped off. Blood was everywhere!" I mumbled as tears began streaming down my face and I began to hiccup.

"I know, I know... Shh, it's okay. What actually happened is that I died but I wasn't fully dead, my heart was beating, but barely until Seth saved me." Marcus said as I felt some tears hit my shoulder also. 

A distant howl was heard, signaling an alpha calling for his pack to return. Chris was the one howling for his pack to return. Followed by an even louder howl that I and Marcus heard of an alpha calling its mate to return. Looking back at Marcus he watched me with sad eyes.

"Don't worry, we will be together again." I said looking down. I really missed Marcus, I wasn't supposed to be with Chris. Marcus was and is my only real mate who made me happy. I loved him with all my heart and I wouldn't stop loving him until the day I die. Which was hopefully by old age with Marcus.

"Look into my eyes Karen." Marcus said as his hand grasped my chin, forcing me to look back up at his eyes while mine were still full of tears. "We will be together again, even if it's the last thing I do." He said hugging me as an even louder howl ripped through the air of an alpha losing his patience now.

"I gotta go now Marcus. Please come and visit this area soon. I miss you." I said, hugging him.

"I'll have to ask my alpha, but that's another story for later in the future. Goodbye my sweet darling mate." Marcus replied before running off in the opposite direction of me back to his pack of whatever they were now.

I ran back to the mansion transforming back into my wolf form. Chris was waiting. It would take ten minutes but I could get there in time if I ran fast enough which was what I had to do. I ran at my maximum speed to get the wind flowing back through my fur to get rid of Marcus' scent so it wouldn't cause any suspicion.

As I finished, I stop a couple of yards away from the mansion and sniffed myself to make sure his scent was off and it was. I dashed back to Chris which took a minute as he waved at me arriving. He looked more than pleased when I came up to him and greeted him back as I morphed back to my human form.

"You finally came. Where have you been this whole time? I was beginning to get worried." He said, eying me suspiciously as he got bags from the SUV's trunk, put bags down near the SUV's rear tire.

"I was resting in the meadow, enjoying the sun. You should try it sometime Chris." I lied, hoping he'd fall for it. I had been on my hill not the meadow.

"We can go tomorrow then." He replied, falling perfectly for my lie. I guess you can say I was a pretty little liar. I laughed in my head.

We went back into to the mansion and unpacked his bags. Which was full of chains and handcuffs. Chris smirked as he saw my frightened expression. I don't like like bondage. I was not going to put up with him if he was going into weird fetishes.

"Don't worry these aren't for you." Chris said, laughing as he gathered all of the chains and handcuffs in one pile. "These will be for the new pack members, we will be recruiting."

"Recruiting?" I questioned.

"Yes, after that pack war we will be needing more members to round it up to fifty for one hundred. Bigger defense is better for the pack with all the upcoming threats that may come. Like that hybrid pack. I don't know where they are or if they are peaceful but if I'm going to find out I want to be prepared."

"How are you going to watch so many wolves?" I asked, afraid of how strong Chris was now. I felt like I underestimated him and forgot how he didn't even fight my old pack because he was busy with me. Which meant one of his betas took down the alpha, which showed how great a leader he was. 

"I still have the dungeon downstairs in case you forgot, my little dumb mate." He said as he began to passionately kiss me. "I will train them like I trained my pack."

I watched as he dragged all the chains out of the room and probably in the basement. Followed by the rest of the pack who came into the room and saluted me then grabbing the handcuffs, chains, and ropes. They all followed their alpha to the basement dungeon and closed the door behind them.

It was three hours of banging and drilling downstairs when it was completed. I didn't want to look at it now so I just made pack dinner and howled. The men all came upstairs sweaty and tired, but perked up with happiness when they all the meal I made for them. It was steak night and I made some delicious medium rare steak with mash potatoes and lightly seasoned Mac and cheese. "Thanks Luna!" They all said as they began piling around the kitchen and grabbing their serve portion of food. They all sat at the table waiting for their alpha.

Chris later came in as the last person got some food. I had his plate ready at the end of the table at sat near him as the pack watched him respectfully. He took a bite and everybody cheered happily at their alpha and began to dig in like savages. They worked hard and I made enough for seconds and thirds. I knew they were going to eat everything anyways, so I quickly ate and went to bed. I was emotionally exhausted and needed some good resting time. I closed my eyes and surrounded myself with pillows and fell asleep. Ten minutes later, Chris came in and cuddled me from behind. I ignored him and dreamed of Marcus.


A/N: Next Chapter is Maria's POV! 

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