Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: Pack

Maria's POV

The pack and I had just finished cleaning, dinner when somebody entered through the den. The wolf shook the dust off its fur before reverting back to its human self or his human self in this case as the wolf revealed itself to be Marcus.

"Marcus!" I gasped as he looked up and noticed me.

"Oh hey.. Maria, is it?" He said trying to recall me.

"Yeah, what are you doing here?" I questioned.

"Actually, that alpha right there, his name is Seth. He turned me when I was on the verge of dying. Now I'm a hybrid." Marcus replied. "Are you one too? I don't see any other reason for you being here. No offense."

"Actually, Seth is my mate and yeah, well i'm not fully a hybrid I think. I only know my vampire half so far. I guess I won't be able to transform until the first full moon?" I asked, looking at Seth who cleared his throat.

"Yeah, after the first few months you will slowly begin to gain control your wolf and you will be able to morph in and out of your wolf form like we do."

"Will it be hard?" I questioned.

"A bit, but you will get used to it." Seth responded. "Hopefully we can mate by then too!" Seth said getting riled up.

"Down big boy, my humps are staying fresh, so control yourself." I said, waving him down as he controlled himself.

"Welp i'm heading in, nice seeing you okay and alive Maria and my Alpha." Marcus said, bowing as he headed towards the halls down to where his room probably was.

I sighed softly and finished putting the dishes in the dishwasher when Seth came beside me and put the cups in the cupboard.

"You know there is a meteor shower tonight, you should come see it with me and the some of the pack who are staying up." Seth said leaning on his elbow which was on the porcelain counters.

"Uh, sure when is it?" I asked

"Right now, come on" Seth said, pulling my arm as we walked out of the den and into the darkest part of the forest.

We were away from the city lights and deep in the forest when we came to stop at the front of a hill which led to the edge of a cliff where the rest of the pack was. Some of them were couples cuddling under the stars when a few of the stars began to move. It was truly beautiful.

"Come on Alpha and Luna." Natalie, one of the pack betas said as she motioned for us to join the pack.

Seth had brought me and him towards the edge of the cliff which was secured with iron poles on both sides providing stability near the edge so it wouldn't crumble or fall. The lake below it was gleaming softly with moon light and stars. I looked back up as Seth and I laid on the grass on the edge of the cliff and looked up into the beautiful night sky.

Hundreds of stars now were shooting across the sky. It was beyond gorgeous and my eyes began to water slightly. I have never seen or experienced anything this beautiful in my life before. My parents had divorced and my dad left me before my mom became overcome with drugs and wine. She barely paid attention to me and my brother was a pothead who didn't care about anything but weed, games, and pussy. Fuck them, I thought as I turned to Seth, who was watching me quietly.

"It's okay, life is hard, but I swear I will give you the best life you can have from now on. Just me and you, and my pack, of course. We can build a new life for us together, where nobody can tell us what to do or cause us harm. We can be the family none of us really had." Seth said snuggling me. He to had tears in his eyes, but his tears stayed there with a strong look of determination to make these people and my life better. He was a good person. My heart warmed softly as I watched him star gaze at the meteor shower.

I thought about my life before. I wasn't an emo/goth anymore. I didn't want to dress goth anymore. I didn't want to cry anymore because I was alone. I had pack and Seth now. I could learn to be a strong woman. A strong leader for this pack of misfits and we could fit together. Be all the things to each other that we wished we had when we were normal or human.

I few tears left my eyes again as I turned around to look at the pack as the stopped star gazing and looked back at me.

"Everybody make a wish!" I cheered. "Here's to happiness, new beginnings, and pack! Let's accomplish our dreams and be the best person we can be!" I exclaimed closing my eyes and smiling happily at the pack as Seth turned around also.

"Yes Luna!" The pack cheered back with happy eyes and a few tears and began to move Seth and I a little closer to them, then began to surround me and Seth with their warm bodies.

"Pack snuggle." Seth said happily cuddling into me.

Pack, family. I thought as the warm bodies transformed into their wolf forms, including Seth who morphed into his big brown alpha wolf form and howled at at the moon as the pack followed after him howling happily.

This really was a new start for me. Not just me, but them too. No more druggie mom and pot head brother. No more thinking about a dad that didn't want me when I had Seth and pack now. We worked together well in the short time we have been together and it was beyond amazing. It felt like a real family and I would keep them dear to my heart and protect them with all my might. We might be living in a den now, but I would help work and get a mansion like Chris or Karen's old pack had.

"Happy wishes." I said softly to myself as we gazed at the stars and made our wishes. Our dreams and souls finding unity and flying with the stars.

With Seth and our pack by our side, I truly felt brand new.

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