Chapter 1

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Hey guys!! This will be the edited version of Last She Wolf because I didntwanna touch the original because it was my first story so it is a momento for me haha. Also the original was sloppy because that was when i was younger so i had to make a edited version were people would actually read it without problems.


Chapter 1: Welcome to Shady High

Karen's POV

Karen walked down the hall of her new school, Shady High nervously. Her dad was cheap and wanted to save money so she was forced to go to this new high school for her senior year. "Ugh!" Karen groaned to herself.

The guys were staring at her, mostly jocks. The Karens inner wolf was growling to hurt those weirdo's. The girls were giving her dirty glares. "Stupid humans." she mumbled as she walked down the hall, passing people to get to her first period class.

When Karen arrived at her first period class the bell rung. "Ha-ha, just in time." Karen thought.

"Please introduce yourself to the class young lady." the teacher stated. "Oh my gosh." Karen thought as she looked around the room. Karen also noticed that some of the guys in the class werewolves by the way they smelt.

"Hi, my name is Karen." Karen said to the class as they responded with a tired greetings except the wolf boys that were staring at her. Okay, Karen thought to herself. Either they have been staring problems or they're blind. 

Her teacher, Mrs. Taylor had told her to find an empty seat and to sit down. Apparently they were loosing precious English 4 class time now. 

Karen found a seat in the back next to one of the wolf boys. "Damn. Why me?" Karen mumbled, sitting down and starting taking notes until the guy behind her poked her back. Turning around, she saw a guy about her age. 

"Hi, I'm Marcus." Marcus said with a low grumble from his chest.

"Oh, uh. Hi, I'm Karen." Karen replied quickly wanting to get back to taking notes.

"Sup Karen, what's a fine girl like you doing here?" Asked Marcus as his hands rubbed on Karens shoulders. A little too close for her comfort. Just as she was about to slap the taste out his mouth the bell rang for second period. 

Karen abruptly left for her next class. Ms. Parker's algebra two class. 

Bring! Bring! 

The bell rang telling Karen loudly that she was now late for class. "Damn the bell just rang and I'm going to be late on my first day of school, and why isn't there a single person in the halls? What kind of school is this? A nobody late kind of school?" Karen laughed to herself.

As she started walking down the hallway to get herself a late slip Karen was slammed against one of the lockers. "Ouch!" Karen growled wolfing out a little as she saw Marcus. "What do you want Marcus?" Karen growled hatefully.

"You know I love it when you growl Karen." Marcus said lustfully as he started growling in a weird way.

"Oh shizzle." Karen thought. "You know. Uh. I got to go like now." Karen said quickly slipping out of Marcus' grasp. "Ha-ha! I'm so awesome." Karen thought until Marcus slammed her against the lockers again.

"No, you don't have to go." Marcus said as he started to lick her neck. That was enough for Karen as she started to push and kick only for it to be blocked.

Luckily a teacher came by and screamed no PDA and told them to go back to class but first get a late slip. The teacher stood there impatiently.

As they both went to get a late slip Marcus kept holding her waist as she tried to get out of his grasp but was stopped with a forceful growl from Marcus. 

"Please let me go to the office on my own." Karen asked sweetly but only got a growl and lick on her earlobe. Annoyingly Marcus bit her ear softly applying pressure as a warning. "Oh, okay... Good boy, stay good." Karen whimpered.

"That's more how I like it." Marcus growled.


Yay!! first edited chapter of Last she wolf is here!! I hope you like this version and give it!!

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