Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: Fertilization 

Karen's POV

I woke up feeling groggy and turned around slowly to see Chris smiling at me deeply, his eyes full of love and adoration. I tried to scoot away from his creepy stare only to have him pull me back onto his body. My head on his chest as he kissed my head softly and somewhat lovingly. "There, there, you don't wanna hurt the pups." Chris said softly still smiling at me.

"What!" I exclaimed as he giggled and went to the bathroom. I heard a fight voice in my head. It was a mumble though, it sounded like gibberish. I couldn't tell what it was saying. I got up and ran into the bathroom and puked into the toilet while Chris was washing his face. 

Chris was staring at me happily still as he picked me up and carried me downstairs. He sat me on his alpha chair and started making breakfast for us. As he was making breakfast about ten or more men walked into the room looking bruised or having deep cuts and gashes on their bodies that were healing. They weren't wearing much except for their boxers. They all got a plate and sat down waiting for Chris to finish making the food. The pack all had a look of triumph on their face though. I understood why.

"There are a few survivors of her clan left, but we can track them down and finish them when we recover, we lost many." Hunter said as Chris plated his plate with eggs, bacon, mash potatoes, and seasoned salmon before moving on to the next pack member.

"They were pretty strong, but we got the job done, we are the strongest of your pack my alpha." Jordan  said as the rest of the pack cheered.

Chris had a look of anger for a split second at the thought that they weren't able to finish everybody until he glanced at me, his facial expression softening to a loving look. The others saw how leveled Chris seemed now and smiled because the alpha had a mate to keep him stable now. Things would be looking up to them it seemed and they were happy that their alpha was happy. 

"All in good times work..." Chris said as he signaled for the rest of the pack to eat after he fed me the first bite of the delicious salmon.

Two Months Later

It had been only two months and my stomach was already bulging out. I didn't know that she wolves had an accelerated pregnancy. "Ugh." I groaned as I wobbled down the stairs to get a drink of water. It just wasn't fair, I was always thirsty and had to pee a lot. I also missed Marcus. I tried not to dwell on that thought for long. 

After I got the drink of water I went outside for a little stroll. Hearing the birds chirp, feeling the sun beaming down on my glowing skin, and the wind blowing my hair softly. My hair had grown down to my lower back in the last couple of months, Chris liked it long. As I was walking I passed by a few of the decomposing dead corpse and a few of Chris's pack members cleaning other dead bodies from the distance, about a few miles away. I looked at one sadly, it was Marcus's dead body that surprisingly didn't look disgusting. In fact, it looks like his body had healed, but I didn't hear a heartbeat. It saddened me to a great extent as I walked back from the castle until a big gray wolf appeared in front of me. It changed back into its human form. I backed away a little as I saw Chris, he was naked but he didn't care much anyways. Werewolves had little modesty. He ran up to hug me, scenting me quickly as he brought us back home.

One Month Later

I was sitting in my Chris's chair when my vagina began to hurt and leak all over Chris's office chair. "Ahh!" I whined weakly as Chris came in and began to howl for his members to come in. One of them was great at medical skills almost rivaling a doctor. He knew what to do as he pushed my legs apart and laid me back on Chris's bed. He told me to relax and push hard, when I did, he told me three furry whelps came out whining softly. Two boys and a girl. Chris turned to me with a giant smile and tear filled eyes. "I love you." He cried as the pack patted his back and all howled at the joyous occasion. 

I didn't say anything back I was tired and began to pass out as the doctor laid the pups in my arms. I wanted to run away and take the kids with me. I was not living with him. I was seventeen and had a life ahead of me and didn't want to spend the rest with his crazy ass.

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