Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: Day Worst

Jeff's POV

I awoke in the forest. My throat had healed from its severe injuries. It had been a few days I was out as  I checked my phone. I went home to change clothes and clean up. I wonder if that guy who protected the she wolf from me thought I was dead. Which reminded me of the she wolf. My head ticked to the left as I began to track her scent.

Two hours later

After tracking her scent through the forest I found myself looking at a huge mansion. I slowly crept to the side of the building and glanced through a window and saw the she wolf in bed with another guy who looked pretty deep in his slumber, his member hanging out on the left side of his thigh and she was crying. I pushed the window up the window sill quietly as I slipped in and tried to help her. She wasn't wearing any clothes so I went into the closet and found a white button up shirt that was two sizes bigger than her. I threw the button up at her as she slipped it on then looking up at me with an expression of confusion. "You're weak boyfriend didn't finish me off in battle." I explained.

"Can you help me find Marcus." She said wiping her eyes. That must be the name of the wolf who almost killed me, I thought, but in the current state she was in, I would help her.

"Fine." I replied.

We slowly left the room checking around for any other wolves as we went to the bottom of the mansion. We entered the cellar where his scent lingered and found Marcus looking beat up. I stared at his body wondering if he was still alive until I heard his heartbeat. His paws were bloody and it looked like he was crying for hours before he passed out. I broke open the lock and watched as the she wolf rushed to his side. "Marcus" She whispered, shaking him lightly followed by Marcus slowly transforming back into his human state and hugged her back weakly. 

He looked like he was in a lot of pain as he flinched when his cuts would slowly heal. I gave him my jacket and his pants were in the corner of the cell so I handed them to him also as he got dressed. He kissed the she wolf when he was finished dressing. I was jealous, but decided not to make a commotion. 

We went to the kitchen on the second floor of the mansion and gave Marcus water as he gulped down over four cups of it. After he was finished, we looked around the mansion for an exit, but couldn't find a window because Marcus seemed too injured to jump down anything two stories. When we got to the door, I opened it, but stopped as Marcus covered the she wolf's mouth and told her to distract the alpha because if he woke up too soon her would find us and kill us.

Karen's POV

I went back into the room where Chris was sleeping and found him looking around the room before he saw me enter. "Where the fuck were you!" he growled, voice booming in the room. 

"I went to get some water because I was thirsty." I said cowering back a little from his power radiating off of him. He calmed down slightly and hugged me. Apologizing for yelling at me.

"Would you like to go out and do something?" He asked as I rejected, telling him I was still sore which earned me a smirk from him.

"Fine, I got some plans to take care of. Stay in the castle because if you leave I will find you and you will be punished my little she wolf." He warned me as he about left the room. I warned Marcus to be careful with our pack link since Chris was leaving the room. Marcus replied with a yes madam, which made me giggle.

Chris glared at me curiously. "What's so funny?" he growled. 

Quickly I made up and excuse. "You're wearing no pants." I said, pointing at his member hanging low. 

He looked back at me and smirked. "You know you like what you see." He said as he grabbed my arm and pulled me downstairs to his office. He had a picture of my village and the Alpha's mansion. He looked at me and told me his plans to destroy and kill my pack. I began to worry what would happen if I didn't have enough time to tell the Alpha. Chris grabbed me again and placed me onto his lap as he put his head on my shoulder and began writing his plans onto a piece of paper on his desk.

Hunter's POV

I finished my shift of guard duty when I decided to steal a human for a nice lunch. I began to walk down the street of an alley and found an emo girl crying. I quickly knocked her out and observed her shirt."I'm Maria, so wut." The shirt had said. I quickly hefted her onto my shoulder an ran back to the mansion at my accelerated wolf speed and found the other members of the pack with their humans as well. They told me to put mine away and to join them eating this ten year old boy who already has his neck slashed open. We all said cheers and began to tear into him. I took his kidneys and munched on it happily as the blood squirted into my mouth filling it with many flavors. I glanced at my human and decided to keep her as a pet instead of a meal.

Maria's POV

I woke up in a room where everything was pitch black. I panicked in my mind on where I was. I found a door knob and twisted it open. I glanced into the giant hallway going down somewhere. I quickly dashed out the room only to be yanked back into it. I choked and felt my neck as I whimpered from the pain. There was a leather collar around my neck before I looked up to a white guy with spiked hair in his mid twenties. "Hello, my pet." He said, crouching low to look into my eyes.

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