Chapter 11

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A/N: Hey guys if you are reading this that means you are seeing the "Last She Wolf sequel" I decided not to make it a sequel to the unedited version and make it part of this book. So if you are reading this this part goes past the unedited version which is a treat for the readers! I hope you enjoy this never released chapter and the next chapter which had been on the sequel in my works for the last 3 years. Chapter 3 will be written from me now and not from 3 years ago like chapter 11 and 12 are so enjoy!

Chapter 11: Renew

Karen's POV

The light peaked into the room through the window as it reflected off the mirror and onto my face. It annoyed me greatly. I turned my body to face away from it. "Damn sun." I mumbled.

"Go back to sleep Karen." Chris said half asleep, shifting to the other side of the bed also to get away from the harsh rays from the sun.

I got up and yawned as I walked over to the crib to check on the pups. They were sleeping peacefully. Getting bigger every day. I grabbed each one of them and lifted them into my arms and carried them to the SUV that Chris bought and put them into their baby car seats. I also packed plenty of supplies for my dad to use to take care of them. I decided that I wanted my dad to watch them in his care for a week or two until the vampire hybrid thing called down a little. Chris would understand.

I closed the trunk of the SUV as I packed a few gallons of my breast milk that I kept in our freezer. I quickly left a note on the door of Chris' room so he wouldn't get mad and ran back outside. I entered the SUV and shifted the gear to drive and drove to my dads house.

We got there in an hour as he moved back into the deeper part of the town after the attack on the pack. Luckily dad had been back at our old home and not in the pack house when the attack happened.

When we arrived, I told him what was happening and he happily took the pups away from me and let them sleep in my old room. He had a soft spot for them. He always wanted grandkids. Didn't matter to him who I had them with though, as long as the guy was an a strong capable beta or alpha. Chris had to fit that role, even though he took down the shadow pack.

I handed him a few thousand dollars and the supplies he would need to watch them. I drove back to the mansion, which took another hour and parked near the entrance to the gate and slipped the key in the overhead mirror, opened the door and got out.

I wanted some alone time to myself before going back to see Chris. So before I went home, I thought it would be nice to pay a little visit to the little hill deep in the forest that was surrounding Chris' mansion. I shifted into my wolf form and ran around the trees and boulders. I was enjoying the feeling of the wind flow through my hair follicles, making them breeze through, making the hairs wave back and forth.

The sun was perfect. As I dashed through into the deeper part of the woods to get to my favorite hill the sun shone deep into my fur, past the openings where the fur was getting separated by the wind and warmed me deeply.

When I reached the hill I pranced to the top and sat on top of the hill and played down as the sun beamed onto my fur softly. I lay there for at least half an hour until I felt a shadow and cool air hitting me. I thought it was a cloud and waited for it to pass until a few minutes passed and it didn't. I glanced up at the sky, but was blocked with black fur.

Opening my eyes, I swiftly turned my body around to get on all four of my paws and saw Marcus standing in his wolf form also, his bright brown eyes not red this time.

"Marcus!" I screamed happily in our mind link. This was a happy surprise.

"Yes my love." He replied back with a heartwarming smirk. He stared back at me dreamily.

Maria's POV

What was this feeling? It was soft and silky. I opened my eyes and leaned forward a little. I took a good look around my surroundings. I was in a double, king sized bed that was covered in velvet red silky sheets. I felt the sheets as it slipped past my fingers back onto the bed. This was some quality bedding. I moved a little only for the memory foam to pull me back into the bed and I fell back softly into the memory foam pillow which con-caved to mold into my head shape. Yup, this was some quality stuff.

I quickly got up and walked to the door. I twisted the door knob and opened it, looking into the large hallway. This reminded me of that one house Karen found me in. "Hello? Anybody? Karen, Marcus?" I questioned into the large hallway.

"You're finally awake." The unknown voice said.

"Who's there?" I asked, getting a bit defensive.

"Your mate. I've been searching for you for a very long time Maria." I turned around back into the room and came in contact with a bronze skin, green eyed, muscular six foot dude. He looked back with a smirk. I was still wearing the sweater that went past my fingers and slipped off of one shoulder, along with tight shorts and flats.

He grabbed my hand and put it to his heart as my body began to feel tingles run through it. It shot through my body and bounced back and forth everywhere, making me feel full. I gasped and looked back into his green eyes. He stared back into my brown one and smirked. He took a hold of my multi-colored hair and smirked. My hair had a purple bang which slowly mellowed out to a teal and pink near the ends. Christine had helped me dye it after the mall trip and I was still wearing the clothes she bought me. My black eyeliner had the perfect wing and my red lipstick a nice deep color.

I pulled my hand back still feeling uncertain about the feeling. "You feel it too don't you?" He asked as he looked back into my eyes with a gleam of happiness. Thinking about what he had said before he bit my neck and made me pass out didn't sound as bad anymore. I really didn't have anybody besides Karen, who I was trying to search for. I had been through a lot and the mate thing sounded pretty normal at this point. I deserved a break and a relationship couldn't hurt.

"Yes, I felt it also. I am ready to try and be your mate." I said, smiling at this new start, a new life, happiness. Maybe dying that day meant I could restart my life and be happier than I was in that alley.

Taking my hand with his he took me to wherever he was going and I happily followed him to our new journey together.

"You're going to meet my pack. We are a little different from most packs, we are a cross breed of vampire and werewolves, which makes us hybrids." He said informing me proudly. I was a hybrid too, so I didn't really have anything bad to say. I felt like I belonged. I fit in with these hybrids too.

As we reached the end of the hall into a normal to the big sized living room, he introduced me to them as their new alpha female and the pack congratulated us. With a new life and future ahead of myself, I couldn't be more happy.

We all sat down and began talking and sharing our stories with each other. Everybody was nice and mellow. They seemed really happy they had an alpha female mate to placate the alpha male as I learned. "Dinner will start soon. Marcus will not be joining us today as he is busy with something personal." The alpha and my mate said as some females in the next room were setting down plates as the rest of the pack came to help. There were about twenty of us and very diverse. We worked like a pack and all contributed which made me happy.

"I forgot to tell you my name is Seth." Seth said hugging me from behind.

"My name is Maria." I responded as we all sat down and began to eat.

This new start seemed to be working out in my favor so far. We all ate and had a great time. Followed by a huge pack snuggle and fell asleep together.

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