Chapter 14

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Chapter 14: Engage

Karen's POV

I awoke suddenly as a huge crash was echoed throughout the mansion followed by cries of pain. I got up quickly and slipped on my silky night gown that went up to my upper knees. I grasped the door handle to Chris' room and opened the door. I slowly peeked out in the hallway that was currently empty.

I jumped as another scream tore through the house. It was coming from the basement area which was weird. It was almost sound proof, so that person must be in a hell of a lot of pain if they were getting through the barriers of cement and foam that layered through the mansion. I quickly snuck through the hallways past the living room and kitchen as I faced the hallway to the pack rooms.

I walked down the stairs at the end of the hallway and entered the first floor below the earth. The screams intensified as I went closer to the sound. This floor was for storage and food, so that meant the sounds were coming through the cellar. I quickly skidded across the hallway to go down to the second below ground floor only to come across the wine storage. This meant that whoever was screaming was in the dungeon.

I gulped quietly, swallowing my spit nervously as I walked down the last flight of stairs that ascended to the third and final below the ground floor. The dungeon. Chris never allowed me down here and I didn't really have any curiosity to go since It was scary and If a ghost attacked me with my silly imagination, it meant that I would have to go up many flights of stairs.

The mansion was only two stories high and three stories below ground. I only been to the second story which was where the game room and other pack stuff were that held game room, workout area, meeting room, the library, and few other entertainment rooms for the pack. The first floor with the entrance held the kitchen, a huge living room, dining room, the pack, sleeping quarters or should I say a hallway, bathrooms, aquariums, and Chris' room. The first below ground floor held the storage for anything that was old and not used, clothing, furniture, and a few extra rooms that were not used. The second below ground floor held the wine storage and valuable collectables that the pack and Chris kept safe and secret.

Now the dungeon where I was currently about to enter had Marcus when I first saved him, but Marcus at the time was near the entrance, so I never got to explore much or find out how deep it went.

I quietly padded across the hallway into the dungeon with my back on the wall. A small gust of wind blew by as the air conditioner blew my hair into my face. I used my left hand to push my hair back into place and walked slowly past the empty cells. The end of the hallway had a sharp left and right turn. As I approached, I noticed that they both had doors on both sides. I quickly walked up to the right side and peeked through the door with the small window. It looked like a police station where it had the double sided glass, and ahead of that glass was a room with a table and two chairs on either side of the table. Nobody was there so I walked away from the door.

I pressed my back onto the wall of the left side and looked at the door. This door didn't have a mirror to look through so I opened it slowly and slide inside the small gap I used to open the door to make sure it didn't creak and bring attention to me. As the door behind me closed quietly I looked into the dark hallway and stared at the blinking lamp hanging from the ceiling and in the middle of the hall. There were cells here, but it smelled rotten and nasty. I slowly walked pass the cells as the lamp flickered, my heartbeat accelerating.

This place was beyond scary.

I quietly walked slowly and peered into each cell. Some had dead animals, some had dead humans. There was a young boy who had his neck slashed and his stomach, legs, and arms look like it had been eaten out. I placed my right hand over my mouth and used my left hand to hold my right arm up. My heart sped up. This place was beyond crazy. I walked up to the door when I heard a soft noise to my right. I looked into the cell and froze. There was a girl, naked and beaten, but her hand was trying to reach out to me for help. I couldn't. This was too much. She was all clawed up, but didn't show any signs of sexual abuse. I was happy she didn't have any. Looks like the pack didn't like to use humans or anybody that way and stuck with their hand. Either that or something was missing that I didn't understand.

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