Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: Transformations

Maria's POV

I felt my insides burning deeply, spreading throughout my body. My eyes opened as I screamed at the top of my lungs, hitting high octaves I didn't even know I had. I looked around after I stopped screaming and the burning sensation halted. 

I thought I had died when the wolf dude bit me. I sighed as I looked at my surroundings noticing something different. I could see the dust particles moving in the air very slowly. Everything now seemed so detailed. I could see ants on the tree a few yards away.

Shocked, I got up slowly, I was still sore. I took a step forward that seemed way too fast for me. I noticed this and tried taking another step as I rushed again. "Wow." I gasped as I began to run past lots of trees. I felt so light and I felt like I was moving at the speed of lightning. I ran to my friends Christine's house and knocked on the door. 

"Holy shit Maria! You look horrible." Christine said as she looked me up and down.

I glanced down at my clothes that were ripped and muddy. She looked at my eyes and gasped, a scared expression on her face. "You need some sleep girl, your eyes are really bloodshot, really badly bloodshot." She said, stepping away and letting me into her home. 

I tried to take slow steps for me that turned out to be a normal pace for humans. I walked towards the bathroom and looked into the mirror, holy shit Bloody Mary I thought. I glanced at my reflection and stared deeply into my eyes, which was all red. I knew what I was now!

A vampire...

Karen's POV

I slowly opened my eyes as my body slowly woke up. I felt Chris holding me. I hated that, I hated him. It only took a few months for a werewolf to give birth and they aged a little quicker than humans until they finally slowed down around age fifteen and sixteen. Then live to a lifespan of two to three hundred. We didn't start aging until one hundred and fifty. I didn't mind though, it meant I would be fresh for a good century. 

I moved up a little only to have Chris grumble random words and pull me back in. "Chris, I have to check on the kids." I said, slapping his arm away as he growled.

"OK." He grumbled happily probably thinking of me and his kids. He was a fuck face, but he was a good father. All he wanted was to have a family, a wife, his pack, and to spend the rest of our lives together which he was currently living. He did it in the wrong way thought, I still hated him.

I walked over to the giant crib as I picked both the boys up and breastfed them. I gave the girl the bottle because the boys would push her away and cause trouble. We didn't name them yet, Chris was beyond picky and I was still sensitive about the subject, being eighteen and pregnant and all.  

After I finished feeding them, I laid them back to rest in the giant crib and thought about my upcoming birthday. I would be nineteen soon. A bitter nineteen. I heard a loud grumble as I turned to Chris who had gotten up at werewolf speed and carried me bridal style to the shower where he made love to me for a good thirty minutes.

Maria's POV 

I put some of Christine's clothes on that she put on the bathroom sink when my phone rang from my old ripped pants. 

"Get yourself, get yourself together now." My phone rang as I lifted it to my ears and answered. 

"Let's go shopping." Christine said the voice booming through my ears as I distanced my phone from my ear a little. I could hear her voice through the phone and down stairs. 

I went downstairs and Christine did look a bit more appetizing. I was getting thirsty. She was putting her perfume on as it clouded my sense of smell. "I'm going to wait outside." I said, opening the front door and closing it behind me, walking to her car near the edge of the sidewalk. The sidewalk was old and cracking, little weeds and grass growing between it. I watched as a lady bug crawling up the stem of the sour grass I used to eat as a kid and into the petal of the yellow flower at the top of the sour grass.

I looked to the side and saw a fat orange cat. I grabbed it with lightning speed and before it got to react I cracked its neck back and forth, sucked it dry of blood, and threw it under a car wheel to make it look like an accident. I went back inside to look in a mirror near the door in case I had blood on my face. My eyes were back to its brown color. 

It appears that If I was hungry my eyes would return back to its full red state. I had to keep feeding off the neighborhood cats If I wanted to seem normal.

I listened as Christine walked down the stairs with her keys dangling from her finger and left through the front door and I followed. Shopping I did need. 

After we finished shopping we went back to her house and I fell asleep on her sofa downstairs while she went to her bedroom.

Last She WolfOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora