So many a/ns damn...

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Getting a few points out to all my readers since I don't have a single book for just updates...

I would like all of you to know this story have two more chapters left. Possibly three. So many ideas but depression hit hard this summer and had no motivation to write.

In The Beginning is being deleted soon but it may stay just to be there. Creation of Life may be rewritten but again, no ideas.

Immortals is still in progress, a slow one but it has a track. Dragon AU has a track now and should be on its way. Risky Business is at a dead end currently.

A smut is in progress but it may never go up since I am terrible and has had no romance in my system.

Ships needed but holy shit I got so many. You see I was planning a candy AU along with it but now it's like WHO IS WHO WITH CANDY WITHOUT IT OVERLAPPING AND I HAVE LIKE 50 SHIPS HALF I DONY EVEN KNOW so ya there we go

I will be reading, voting, and commenting as normal on stories. That... Is pretty much okay let's get back to getting motivation yay...

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