of orcs and thieves

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The hand of darkness laid over the land before it...keeping the dark things of peoples nightmares concealed within its hold. Within the dark grasp was a barren land of dry rocks and dust covered structures that sheltered some of the worst of the inhabitants of this darkness..Gundabad Orcs..the foulest of the foul. Their harsh black tongues could be heard on the wind that whipped around outside to be heard by two stealthy elves, who were laying in wait for the cover of day to banish these dark loving creatures back.

Legolas and Tauriel sat hidden behind a dusty large outcrop, glancing up at the sky in hopes of seeing the first signs of dawn approaching. Their soft voices contained between them so as to not be heard by any dark ears that may be close by. Earlier, a few days ago, they had fought a host of orcs, back in Laketown, off. They noticed one had gotten away, so they both mounted their horses to give chase across the land..which led them here..to Gundabad. Now that vile creature was holed up inside, in safety, doing Valar knows what.

Legolas was patient, he knew they had to wait till daylight before they could sneak close enough to find out what the orcs were planning..Tauriel , it seemed, not so much ..she was getting very antsy, waiting there next to him. He tried to give her some distraction..not working as well as he hoped, but it was enough ..temporarily.

"What lies beyond?"her voice was mesmerizing to him, with its beautiful lilt and soft cadences, that made him think of soft spring time under the willows watching dragonflies dancing across a pond. She saw his eyes get a dreamy look within and his smile was so soft..she had to laugh at his expression which brought him back to the question at hand..clearing his throat.

"Well..emmm..The ancient kingdom of Angmar. This fortress was once its stronghold. It is where they kept their great armories.. forged their weapons of war." suddenly his face became solemn..a memory of such darkness, she gently placed her hand onto his..concern expressed in her green eyes. "It is a fell place, Tauriel. In another age, our people waged war on those lands. " he looked away..attempting to stifle the tears in his icy blue eyes as a pained memory rose up..his voice dropping into a whisper. "My mother died there. My father does not speak of it. There is no grave, no memory..nothing." she engulfed him into her arms as his breath hitched..holding tight to him as he silently give release of his loss long ago, which he hadnt been allowed to do..till now, here in his lovers embrace..knowing she would find no fault in his tears.They stayed that way for a bit..drawing comfort from each other..feeling dawn coming closer. Finally Tauriel couldnt take the waiting any more.

"If we are going in we should move now." he sighed..knowing she was right..but there was a sound rising up that stilled thier motions..the beating of wings. Peering around their hiding place they saw a large host of bats flying out of the fortress..swirling around the structure, before  flying off in the direction of Erebor. "They are swarming." glancing over she saw Legolas eyes going wide..realization dawning across his face.

"These bats are bred for one purpose...War." suddenly they hear Bolgs gnarled harsh voice roaring out..summoning his forces forward..following in the wake of the bat horde. He heard Tauriels sharp intake of breath as she uttered about warning the people in Erebor. 

"We may be to late...hurry!" they both abandoned their position, racing for their mounts..praying to the Valar they could beat the vile enemies approach.


Legolas and Tauriel rode through the rest of the night and well into the late morning before having to take a few moments of rest for their mounts sake. Thats where Beorn found them, along with Elladan, Kahrn, and Dahl. To say it was a bit tense, was an understatement ..for the moment most of them were very wary of each other. Beorn didnt trust most elves of Mirkwood, at least not fully...Kahrn and Dahl trusted elves as much as a snake, except Elladan..and Legolas and Tauriel trusted dwarves very little. The only one who was the least distrustful was Elladan who sat back laughing at all the posturing the others were doing. Eventually they worked out all their differences and decided that maybe they all should join together in warning Erebor of the upcoming danger. It was then that Radagast the brown came across this rag tag group... looking just insane as he always did. Hair all matted , filled with bird droppings that were also on his hat..clothes rumpled and stained...and a wild look in his eyes, that focused solely upon Beorn.

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