goblins [ pg-13]

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Mid summer...4 months

Tia was sitting at Dis kitchen table in her nightgown as Kechi was altering some of her clothes since they were getting tight already. She was only four months along and her belly was getting more noticible ..so much so that her clothes didnt fit and this was not the norm for a dwarven woman. Tia asked Ahmi if this was normal but all her cousin did was give her a shrug of shoulders and say maybe before leaving out the door to go to her shop...which is so not the answer any mother to be wants to hear.

" Well my dear..i must admit i didnt show till later on with either of my boys..maybe this is a big baby..your momma was after all half human." Dis just shrugged then went back to making supper for that evening while Kechi kept letting out seams and resewing some of her clothes to fit her new waistline. As she sat there waiting a young darrowdam came in with some papers in her hands. She had dark reddish brown hair that fell to her mid shoulders and pretty hazel eyes that was full of laughter and kindness. "Kita..come on in."

"Morning maam" she spoke shyly as she walked over to Tia."Master T..." stopped when Tia held up her hand...Tia..just Tia please..."Tia...i have the orders you wanted to review here." she walked over to place a small stack of order forms in front of her. Tia looked over the papers and sighed at all that was needing to be done..while her mind wandered to Bofur..knowing he was far away from her by the ache in her heart.


somewhere in the High Pass mountains

A violent thunderstorm is making itself heard through out the mountain range as thirteen dwarves and one hobbit are stumbling along the cliffs of the mountain pass as the rain tries to wash it out from under them. The hobbit suddenly slips only to be caught ,at the edge of a steep plummet, by some of the others of the group.

"We must find shelter!" shouts Thorin to the others..suddenly there is a shout from Dwalin and everyone looks up to see a giant rock heading thier way..hitting the mountain above them and raining debris as they try to evade the pieces.

"This is no thunderstorm ..this is a thunder battle. Look!" Balin points at the sight of a stone giant fighting another giant all around them. Bofur steps forward at the spectacul before him in awe of what hes witnessing .

"Well bless me. The legends are true! Giants! Stone giants!" Bofurs voice is filled with wonder as he witnesses the legendary battle in front of him..not even seeing the rock being thrown until Thorin grabs the back of his jacket pulling him against the cliff side while shouting..take cover you fool!..thus saving him from being knocked off. As the giants fight Bofur feels the mountain side shake under him and realizes in horror that they are on the very knees of another giant who decides to join the fray..seperating some of the group from one another. The battle doesnt take long and the group finally reunites with one another..Bofur is the first one who notices that they are a member short.

"Wheres Bilbo? Wheres the hobbit?" he looks around and suddenly heres a voice calling out as he looks down he sees Bilbo holding on for dear life to the cliff side..dangeling over empty space. reaching down for him he hollers out "Grab my hand! Bilbo! Come on and take it!" he sees Bilbo trying but is unable to reach for fear of falling. Suddenly Thorin jumps down the side and helps push him up to the awaiting hands. As everyone is gasping and breathing in sighs of relief Bofur heres Dwalin say how he thought they had lost thier burgler.. and then Thorins voice filled with contempte diminishes everyones mood as he states ..Hes been lost ever since he left home. He should never have come. He has no place among us. Bofur sees the hurt in Bilbos eyes from those words and he pats the hobbit on the shoulder to give him some solace from the pain..then they move on finding a cave. They eventually get settled down for the evening after checking that the cave is safe enough and Bofur takes first watch while everyone sleeps. Taking out his pipe he sits down on a rock against the wall thinking of Tia and how much he misses the warmth of her arms and hearing her laugh. As he sat deep in thought he heard a noise and saw movement, shaking him out of his reverie he sees Bilbo quietly making his way to the front of the cave with pack in hand.

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