Chapter 27

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I'm back with another chapter guys! I hope you enjoy!

~Drew's P.O.V.~

"Oh hey May, fancy seeing you here so soon! Usually we don't happen to face each other until later in the contest. Bit of a surprise, I gotta say." Drew said, pulling out a pokeball and smirking.

"What a surprise Drew! But then again, it's a bit unfortunate that you won't even be getting past the first battle round. Glaceon, take the stage!" May shouted, sending out her treasured ice type.

"Flygon, let's do this!" Drew tossed his pokeball into the air, letting out the dragon Pokemon.

Drew began trying to read May's expression. All he caught was determination and maybe a hint of confusion? He elected to ignore it and focus on the battle, after all, he was at a type disadvantage and needed to focus less on May's face and emotions, and more on the moves he was making.

"Flygon, use sand tomb!" He shouted, deciding to start off by trapping the smaller Pokemon in the sand, making it defenseless against Flygon's next attacks.

"Glaceon, dodge, and use ice beam!" May countered.

Despite Glaceon's best efforts, Flygon's superior speed caught it off guard. Although it failed to trap the opposing Pokemon, it did hit May's Pokemon, damaging it, and throwing off the counter attack, making it easy for Flygon to dodge the ice beam.

"Alright Flygon, let's try it again, sand tomb!"

"Glaceon dodge it again, and use quick attack!"

This time Glaceon dodged the attack with easy, not even getting a scratch, before ramming into Flygon, but not with enough strength to really take it out.

"Flygon, give it a steel wing, then follow up with a sand tomb, now!" Drew commanded.

"Glaceon, dodge it!" May shouted as Flygon dove towards Glaceon.

The ice type Pokemon didn't have any time. It was hit straight on with steel wing, and was knocked to the ground. As it tried to stand up on shaking legs, Flygon trapped it in sand.

"Alright, Flygon, finish this up with a flamethrower!"

"Glaceon, you have to break out of the sand tomb!"

The poor ice type struggled out, just in time to be nailed by flamethrower as Flygon dove down at top speed. Glaceon collapsed, leaving Drew the victor. He recalled Flygon, and walked backstage, soon joined by May who hugged him.

"Nice victory. You executed that really well, I honestly thought I'd be able to win with my type advantage and all." May said.

"Yeah, it was all thanks to Flygon's speed, I'm glad I put forth all that training." Drew replied, reciprocating the hug.

"Good luck on the rest of your matches Drew, there seem to be some pretty tough trainers ahead.

"I'm sure I'll be fine, after all, I just beat the best trainer here." He said, smirking and kissing the top of her head.

May smiled and kissed him before turning back to the stage to see who was up. Currently, there was a brown haired boy up, facing a girl with hot pink hair who May had seen at other contests, but never really remembered as her and her Seviper weren't the most powerful opponents in the world. As a matter of fact, the boy was beating her with the greatest of ease using an Espeon.

"That kid's Espeon seems pretty tough, I wouldn't be surprised to see him in one of the final rounds or maybe even at the grand festival." May said.

"I'm sure Flygon can take him, although I think Espeon's got a higher speed than Glaceon, and I won't have the type advantage with my attacks this time. If I face him, I'll worry about it then, who knows, he might get beaten by someone else before I go up against him." Drew answered with a shrug.

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