Chapter 20

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~May's P.O.V.~

After an hour of training, May and Drew met up at the Pokemon Center as promised. Drew walked over, grinning, and pressed his lips to May's gently. She wrapped her arms around his waist, smiling. They stood still, holding each other for a few minutes.

"How'd training go for you? Personally, I am confident that I'm going to win." Drew said, smirking.

"I wouldn't be so sure Drew. Training went pretty great for me, I think I'm going to be the winner here." May said, grinning. 

"Good luck, you'll need it." he teased.

May laughed and kissed him,

"You're the one who's gonna need the luck!" she exclaimed.

"In your dreams!"

May laughed again and gently grabbed his hand, resting her cheek on his shoulder. Drew grinned, and picked her up, spinning her around, causing May to continue to laugh, her arms wrapping around his shoulders.

"I love you." Drew whispered, kissing her cheek.

"I love you too." May said softly, giving him a small smile.

He rested his forehead against her's, smiled, and kissed her softly again.

"Want to go for dinner?" Drew asked, blushing lightly.

"Yeah, sure!" May said, cheerfully, and poking his cheek, "You're adorable when you're blushing."

Drew chuckled,

"You're always adorable."

"Well that was smooth." May laughed.

"I'm the king of smooth."

May doubled over laughing, while Drew started laughing. He picked her up and threw her over his shoulder,

"You're so cute all the time and I love it as much as I love you, which is a lot."

"You're so adorable." May said, still laughing as Drew carried her away from the pokemon center, "Where are you even going?!" 

"I saw a restaurant earlier." Drew said.


"And we're eating there."

May burst into another fit of giggles, while Drew chuckled and kept walking.

"I'm so glad we're together." Drew said, as May regained her composure.

"Me too." She said, grinning ear to ear.

"I hope we last forever. I don't ever want to love anyone but you, because you're so perfect. I need you." He said quietly.

May blushed and smiled,

"I'm lucky to have you. I don't know how I came to deserve someone as great as you, but I do know that I love you with all of my heart." she whispered.

It was Drew's turn to smile and blush,

"You're beautiful and perfect, and if I ever say that we shouldn't be together, it means that I've gone crazy, because you're the best and no matter what, I promise I'll stay with you." he said, softly.

"I'll be right beside you for as long as you want me at your side. I promise I'll stay with you too." she said quietly.

Drew set her down outside the restaurant and kissed her softly. May immediately kissed him back as his arms wrapped around her. She deepened the kiss and slid her fingers into his hair. Drew rested one hand on her hip and slid the other into her hair. May pulled back to breathe before pressing her lips to his again. They pulled away and smiled at each other, the setting sun dying the sky beautiful shades of red, yellow, and orange. 

"The sky is so beautiful." May commented.

"Not as beautiful as you. Nothing is capable of matching your beauty." Drew said.

May kissed his cheek before grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the restaurant enterance. Drew smiled and let himself be pulled along. As they entered, a waitress led them to their table where they sat opposite each other, holding hands across the table.

May had figured out what she wanted and looked out the window, still smiling and overjoyed from everything Drew had said to her. She was convinced he wouldn't leave her. She trusted him with all of her being and didn't want to leave him. She believed that he loved her back. She trusted that he wouldn't leave her. It filled May with happiness that she didn't believe could be taken away by anything. 

The waitress returned and got their orders, promising to be back with food in a little while. Drew gazed at May lovingly, 

"You're beautiful." he said.

"You're handsome." May responded.

He kissed her hand, and looked up smiling,

"I may love you, but that won't stop me from winning this contest, I'm not going easy on you."

"I don't expect nor want you to!" May said, grinning, "It wouldn't be a proper gloat worthy victory if you did!"

The two of them laughed and Drew kissed the back of her hand, before kissing each fingertip and her palm,

"You're so amazing. You're talented, smart, funny, beautiful, and everything I could ever want. I'm in love with you, and I don't ever want to love somebody else, and I'm sure that I won't. You're too perfect. Nothing could ever make me leave you." Drew said.

"You're quite amazing too. You're talented, funny, sweet, and handsome. I don't think I could ever find anyone like you. I love you with all of my heart, and I won't love someone else, as long as you still live. I'll never be able to leave you either." May said, smiling.

Drew leaned over the table to kiss her and smiled,

"I love you so much."

"I love you too." May said.

The waitress returned with their food,

"Here's your food! I hope you enjoy it!" she said, smiling and walking away.

May and Drew both started eating, making small talk, commenting on how good the food was, and teasing each other about the upcoming contest. 

After they finished, they headed out of the restaurant. Drew picked her up bridal style and started carrying her to the pokemon center. May grinned at him and rested her cheek against his chest, looking up at the stars and all of the constellations currently visible.

"I think this is the perfect life," Drew said, "I have you, my friends, a loving family, an amazing Pokemon team, and a beautiful world. I don't know what more I could ask for in my life."

"I understand how you feel. I have the perfect boyfriend, great friends, an amazing family, loyal pokemon, and a beautiful earth." May agreed.

"Despite the bad things that come in life, I'd have to say that mine is pretty great." Drew said.

"Yeah. Life will always have it's downsides, but I think there are more upsides than there are downsides, and I'm quite thankful for that." May said softly, smiling.

Drew carried her into the pokemon center, setting her down in front of their room. He unlocked the door, and May walked over to the bed closest to the window and set her stuff down next to it, while Drew set his stuff on the ground and flopped onto the other bed. May went into the bathroom, changed into pajamas, then walked over to Drew, kissed him goodnight, and crawled into her bed and fell asleep.

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