Chapter 22

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~May’s P.O.V.~
May wasn’t that surprised that she and Drew had made it into the battle rounds. Glaceon had done it’s best, and Drew and Roserade had made a spectacular performance. May saw that she would be battling first, against the girl from the park that May had a practice battle with.

May walked onto the field and stood across from the curly haired blond and they sent out their Pokemon.

“Go, Noctowl!” the girl shouted.
“Wartortle, take the stage!” May called.

The two Pokemon faced each other, determined expressions on their faces.

“Okay, Noctowl, use air slash!” she shouted.
“Wartortle, dodge and use water gun!” May commanded.
“Dodge and use wing attack!”
“Use withdraw!”

Wartortle dove out of the way and stood up to fire a water gun at the owl Pokemon. Noctowl flew out of the way of water gun and dove down towards Wartortle with surprising speed, hitting it with it’s wing before it could hide in its shell.

“Wartortle, ice beam!”
“Noctowl, dodge!”

Wartortle used ice beam and knocked the other Pokemon out of the air before it could be dodged. Noctowl flew back up anyway and looked down at Wartortle. Both trainers called out their next command.

“Water gun!”
“Air slash!”

Noctowl hit Wartortle with air slash, then was hit with water gun and plummeted towards the ground again.

Both Pokemon stood on the ground on shaky legs, facing each other and refusing to collapse. Finally, Noctowl fell over and Wartortle won.

“May wins!” the announcer shouted, as the audience began to applaud.

May walked backstage and shook hands with the girl, a smile on her face, before heading towards Drew.

“Nice job May.” He congratulated, a smirk on his face, “I’m still gonna win though.”
“In your dreams Drew!” May laughed.

“It’s happened a few times, so not just in my dreams do I win.” Drew teased, kissing her cheek. They talked a little bit while the other battles went on. Drew would be battling last, against a trainer with shaggy black hair and pale skin.

~Drew’s P.O.V.~
Drew walked onstage after all the other contestants went and faced the other person, who was standing tall and looking quite confident.

“Go, Flygon!” Drew called.
“Mightyena, let’s do this!” the kid shouted.

The Absol and Flygon faced each other, Flygon hovering in the air with the Absol looking up, both determined to win.

“Okay, Mightyena, use dark pulse!” the boy shouted.
“Flygon, dodge and use flamethrower!” Drew commanded.

Flygon dodged the attack with ease and reciprocated with flamethrower, directly hitting the wolf Pokemon and knocking it over. Mightyena stood back up and looked at Flygon.

“Mightyena, use crunch!”

The wolf Pokemon charged and jumped up, biting down on Flygon.

“Flygon, sand tomb, now!” Drew called.

Flygon trapped Mightyena in sand and flew into the sky.

“Okay, dragon breath!” Drew commanded, “Then use steel wing!”

Flygon hit the trapped Pokemon with it’s attack before following Drew’s second command and hitting it with steel wing, freeing the Pokemon, but doing a fair amount of damage.

“Mightyena, dark pulse again!” the opponent commanded.
“Flygon, finish this with another steel wing!”

Mightyena hit Flygon with dark pulse, but was quickly knocked out by Flygon diving down and hitting it with steel wing.

“Drew wins!” the announcer called.

Like May did, Drew walked backstage, shook hands with the kid, then went to find May. He found her pretty quickly and they began talking again as more and more trainers battled and lost until finally it came down to the two of them, as usual.

“Good luck Drew.” May said, kissing his cheek before walking onstage.

Drew smiled and walked out there, facing her on the other side of the arena.

“Go, Flygon!” He called.
“Wartortle take the stage!” May shouted.

They Pokemon faced each other, ready to fight to the finish to win this for their trainers. May and Drew smirked and faced each other before giving their first commands to their Pokemon.

“Flygon, use steel wing!”
“Wartortle, dodge and use water pulse!”

Flygon flew down and barely hit Wartortle, then was hit directly by water pulse.

“Okay, ice beam!” May shouted.
“Dodge and use sand tomb!” Drew commanded.

Flygon dodged the attack then trapped Wartortle in sand.

“Dragon breath!”
“Use water gun on the sand to free yourself!” May called.

While Wartortle freed itself from the sand tomb, it was hit by Flygon’s attack.

“Wartortle, aqua tail!” May shouted.
“Flygon, try to dodge and use steel wing!” Drew commanded.

Wartortle jumped up and hit Flygon with aqua tail, then was hit by steel wing in response. Both Pokemon faced each other on opposite ends of the field on shaky legs.

“Flygon, use dragon breath!” Drew called.
“Wartortle, use water pulse!” May shouted.

Both Pokemon’s attacks hit each other in the middle of the field, dust clouding both of them from sight and hiding the victor.

The smoke cleared and Flygon was knocked out, although Wartortle was noticeably exhausted, but proud.

“May is the winner of this contest!” The announcer shouted.

“You did amazing Flygon!” Drew praised, calling back his Pokemon and smiling.

Drew and May met each other a few hours later at the Pokemon center.

“So you need 2 more ribbons, I need three.” Drew said, “I think we can both make it to the grand festival.”

“I know we both can,” May said, “And no matter which of us wins, I’ll be happy.”

“Good to know. I was kind of worried about that. I didn’t want to win and cause tension between us, but I didn’t want to toss the match and just hand over the win to you because I didn’t think you’d like that either.” Drew admitted.

“I understand. I was thinking similar thoughts actually….” May said, smiling a little.

“Well, now we can both agree that we won’t have any hard feelings against each other.” Drew said, pressing his lips to hers.

“Yes we can.” May agreed, kissing him back.

“I love you.” Drew said softly.

“I love you too.” May replied.

I’M NOT DEAD! :D (Just easily distracted….) I was originally gonna cliffhanger this, but I couldn’t just leave you waiting for awhile again on such a bad cliffhanger, so I added more too it, you’re welcome hehe. Part of the reason this took so long was because I was snowed in. Then I didn’t have internet most of the time because I had to babysit a cat. Then I started watching Death Note, and spent two days doing nothing but watching that, and after I finished, I had to grieve over my favorite character dying before finally starting the chapter. Again, sorry this took forever, and hopefully the next one doesn’t take as long. As long as I avoid going caroling on Friday, I should be able to post something. Okay, I’m done rambling now haha, I hope you enjoyed the chapter and that you all have a great day! Bye!~

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