Chapter 12

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~May's P.O.V.~

May stood in front of the Nimbasa City contest building. Drew was entering his pokemon, however May already had entered Beautifly and Blaziken. Beautifly flew around May's head. She smiled up at it then said

"We'll go practice when Drew gets back, so he doesn't freak out over my disappearance." May promised as the butterfly pokemon landed on her head. 

Drew walked outside, pushing through the crowd of people and walked over to May.

"Hey, um...I was gonna go train for a bit, but if there's something-" Drew said, then got cut off by May kissing him.

"I was planning on training as well. Chill." she laughed.

At the park, Beautifly flew off of May's head.

"Okay, Beautifly, Silver Gust combination!" 

Beautifly chirped, then flew up high into the sky and used gust, then silver wind immediately after. She used a powerful gust again, making it spin faster. Beautifly ended the move by flying above, then diving through the center of the silver wind tornado with her wings extended breaking it into silver sparkles.

"Great job Beautifly! Take a rest. Blaziken, I'm confident we can win this contest and beat Drew." May said, smiling happily. May frowned soon after. What if...because of me, Drew wasn't able to get into the Grand Festival? I would feel bad. And I'm sure he would feel bad if he was the reason I couldn't get into the Grand Festival. May thought. A wave of guilt washed over her. He would understand...right? Maybe...but it could put strain on the relationship. I mean, right now everything seems perfect...but what if it doesn't last? I really truly love him, but who am I to prevent him from winning contests and becoming who he wants to be? May looked at the ground, these thoughts bothering her greatly. She sighed slightly. The world isn't a wish granting factory. I'll just have to face whatever comes our way. I won't let contests end our relationship. I love Drew, and I plan on it staying that way. I'm going to be a great coordinator, I'm going to let Drew be a great coordinator, and I'm going to love him like I should, because he's my boyfriend, and one of my best friends. 

"Hey May! You look sorta down!" A voice called. 

May spun around to see Solidad. 

"Oh hi Solidad! I was just thinking...." May said, trailing off.

"About Drew?" She asked with a knowing smile.

"Y-yeah. About contests you think I should use Glaceon, or Blaziken in the upcoming contest?" 

"I would go with Glaceon. I'm not competing in this one, so don't worry about me using that to my advantage. I think that would be a good descision, since you would have beaten Drew, if it weren't for Absol's water pulse. With Glaceon, Absol won't have a type advantage- unless he uses a different Pokemon, which he might." Solidad said.

"Thanks. I think I will go with Glaceon...." May said. 

"Well, in any case, Good luck! I'm just passing through, not staying to watch the contest. I'll see you around May." She said.

"See you Solidad." May responded. 

May spotted a cafe a little bit down the road. She realized how hungry she was and started to walk towards it with a smile. After all, food is always good. Maybe there would be something bacon related....

~Drew's P.O.V.~

He sighed, leaning against a tree. He ran his fingers through his hair. He hadn't gotten much sleep. He ended up thinking about the guilt he would feel if May failed to win the Grand Festival because of him. After all, she was dedicating so much time to this, and to have it ripped away from her by her boyfriend would be way beyond cruel. It would probably upset her greatly and he didn't want to see that look upon her face, while he was celebrating over his victory. He knew she took losses well, but this would crush her more than a regular loss. 

"What am I supposed to do?" he groaned, walking towards a cafe. 

He walked in and saw May sitting at a table, looking pensive. 

"Hey May." he said, smiling to hide his nerves.

"Oh hi Drew!" May said, smiling back and waving him over. 

He sat down beside her and kissed her cheek. 

"How was your morning?" he asked.

"Pretty good, you?" she answered.

"Alright. I spent a lot of time teaching Roserade a new combination." he said.

"That's great. Did it work out?"

"Sure did." 

"That's wonderful! So, want to go on the ferris wheel tonight?" May asked.

"Of course May." Drew said. 

And the thoughts about the contests were banished from both of their minds as they looked foreward to the date they were going to have that night. 

New Chapter. Yup. c: I really don't know what to say, so if you liked it, comment and vote. Hope you all have an amazing day. c: Bye!~


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