Chapter 19 - The Royal Queen

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Media: Winter - Kina Grannis

Lance settled the sleeping man in his arms on the bed as gently as he could. Pulling on the covers to make sure that Carlen doesn't catch a cold in his weakened state, Lance let out an exhausted sigh. He had spent all his energy from trying to control Carlen ever since Alaric severed the mate bond between the both of them. Lance winced at the headache that was building up in his head.

He stretched out his sore body and sat down on the floor beside the bed in a daze. His body ached so much that it felt as though he had just made a trip to the training grounds. He had been wrestling with Carlen, got kicked, punched, and scratched all over.

Carlen had lost it, completely. It was to be expected, but it was the first time Lance had experienced something like that first hand. He never thought it would be this hard to hold down someone the size of Carlen. He had thought that Carlen's small frame didn't look like it would do any damage, but the bruises and the cuts on Lance's body proved otherwise. He was so exhausted from just remembering what he had just gone through with Carlen.

Carlen had been screaming non-stop from the moment Alaric fled the room. Lance thought that Alaric could have broke the news to Carlen in a better way, but seeing as Alaric was clearly not in the right mind either, Lance let it go. He saw the regret and the pain in his friend's eyes as he sped past him, but he didn't go after him. Carlen needed him, and Lance was glad he stayed. Carlen started to pull at his hair as he screeched, his eyes closed as though he was experiencing an intolerable mental turmoil. He probably was. Lance heard of how mates become crazy when the bond between two mates get severed unnaturally. Lance tried his best to pry Carlen's hands from his head without hurting the younger man. When he finally managed to, he hurriedly pulled Carlen into his arms in an attempt to calm the younger man.

But Carlen wanted none of it. He threw his small fists at Lance, kicking and thrashing, trying to scramble away from Lance. Lance had given in at some point to give Carlen some space, but the poor child began hitting himself in the chest and wailing. Lance had to hold him down with all his might so that he could minimize the damage done to the smaller man's body.

Throughout the whole onslaught, Lance felt as though Carlen remained unknowing of who was there with him, and what was happening. There was a blank, lost look in Carlen's eyes that looked as though he did not register a thing that he was doing. Lance knew that if he were to leave Carlen alone, there was a chance that Carlen could become feral from giving in to his inner wolf's consciousness. Both Alaric and Lance had discussed about it before Alaric decided to do this. They needed to give Carlen as much supervision as possible to prevent that from happening. It was fairly common for werewolves to go feral from unnatural separations from their mates. That's why it was frowned upon to ever do it.

At some point, Carlen started throwing up. He started off hurling up food chunks and Lance began to worry about the physical health of his friend. But as he kept throwing up some more, Lance noticed that there were red streaks that were mixed into his vomit, that was when he started to panic as he realized that it was blood that was mixed into his vomit. But there was nothing he could do for Carlen. He knew nothing about healing, and he knew that by calling on any other healers other than Healer Naomi, who was out of the castle, was condemning Carlen to gossip. Gossip that was dangerous at this point. After a couple more times, Carlen finally hurled until he had nothing else to throw up. Dry heaving and clutching his stomach and groaning in pain, Lance could only hold onto Carlen and rub circles onto his back, hoping that somehow it would help to make him feel better.

When Carlen's body started to show signs of losing strength, Alaric held the smaller man in his arms, rocking him gently and rubbing Carlen's back to calm him down. It seemed to work well and Carlen slowly fell into a deep sleep. It was no wonder. The poor boy had worked himself up quite a bit.

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