2.Birthday Kisses

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"It's midnight. You may now kiss the bride!" Mai announces.

I glare at her and Mason does as well. After a long glare off Mason turns to me and kisses me. I kiss back and wrap my arms round his neck and he puts his arms on my waist.

People told me that there was no such thing as perfect.


But there was such a thing as a perfect moment.


I crashed at four. But I was forced to. My mum came in my room at four with bags under her eyes and stood there until we went to sleep. I reminded her that I was fourteen and she went all 'really want to play that game?' on me. Basically no way out.

I wake up at ten with a smile on my face. It was my birthday and my life was pretty much perfect. Pretty much. I expected to be the first one awake but Mason beat me to it. How did his boy wake up so early when we go to sleep so late?

"Hey," I whisper. Mai and Alisha were still asleep. It didn't surprise me with Mai though. I knew she was a heavy sleeper. But Alisha was the one who surprised me. She slept like she was dead! Maybe she was? I really hoped not.

"Well hello," he replies. He smiles once he sees me. I climb off my bed and join him on the floor. He was on his laptop. I didn't classify a laptop as a sleepover supply. Only him.

"Have I told you that you look cute when you wake up?" He asks.

I laugh as I remember Mason's birthday in February.

"Yeah, your birthday."

He nods and shuts his laptop. Then he wraps his arms around me and I lean back on him. Yeah, boyfriend of the year went to him for sure.

"How do we wake up the dead?" I ask, referring to Mai and Alisha.

"With cold water? Or a tazer. But I doubt you have a tazer."

"Cold water then," I say.

He helps me up and we get two buckets of cold water to throw over Mai and Alisha. I didn't want to muck up my carpet so we piggy backed them to the garden. Hey, it counted as morning cardio. We layed them on the floor and grabbed a bucket each and I made sure I got Mai. Payback for the whole bride thing.

"Wake up bitch, it's my birthday!" I scream at Mai. Then I dump the cold water on her at the same time Mason does Alisha. Their reactions and pure gold and I just can't put it into words without doing the moment a great injustice. Mai jumps back and steps on a flower, thinking it was a big and runs around like crazy and then trips herself up. Alisha thinks someone's trying to murder her so she tries to use failed karate moves on Mason but he dodged all of them. Then Alisha slips on the wet grass and joins Mai's 'my ass hurts' club. Me and Mason just collapse laughing and are gasping for air.

"Not funny," Alisha says, hiding her small smile.

"I protest!" Mai shouts. "I never thought you had it in you." Mai high five me and I call Alisha out on her smile and high five her too.

"Now I call first dibs on the bathroom," I say, running (no sprinting) up the stairs with Mai hot on my heels. But I get there before her and slam the door in he face.

"Beat ya bitch!" I shout.

"Touché," Mai says and I hear the door to my room close.

Any better way to start your birthday morning?

I think not.


"How do I look?" I ask.

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