14. Forgive And Forgive

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I opened my eyes, flinching at the light and also finding myself in the hospital. Memories of earlier on crowded my head resulting in a massive headache. Like the ones you got while hungover. I turned to see no one but a nurse at my side. Showed how much the lot of them cared, didn't it? The nurse turned to look at me, relief washing over her face.

"I'll go let them in. Nice to see that you're awake," she called.

The door bursted open to reveal my mum who looked a deathly white and Dylan holding her hand. Jayleen, Mai and Alisha cowered behind, shame and worry clouding their faces but Mason was nowhere to be seen. As soon as my mum saw me, she let go of Dylan's hand and embraced me in a tight yet gentle hug.

"Don't you ever worry me like that again," she warned.

"It's kind of hard since I suffer from anxiety but I will try," I chirped at her.

"Nice to see you're okay, kiddo," Dylan said, walking up to me to ruffle my hair.

"Haven't lost my charm yet Dylan."

I looked over to see the three girls looking down at their feet, like they were the most interesting things in the world. Dylan must've sensed the tension and pulled himself and my mum out the door. How I loved this guy!

"Your boyfriend's in the lobby. I'll tell him you're awake," he called over his shoulder before closing the door.

Silence clouded the room like a motherfucker. And I hated it. But guess who broke it.

"Cat got your tongue," I sneered.

"Watch yourself, J," Mai warned. "I should've remembered how touchy you get after a panic attack."

"Yeah, you should've. Seeing as you're not my favourite people in the galaxy right now."

"I'm sorry for launching everything on you like that. I'm new to knowing you as a friend and didn't mean to ruin it first time," Jayleen said. At least she knew when to say sorry.

"I forgive you, seeing as you don't know how my mind works just yet," I replied.

"What's it going to take for you to forgive me and Alisha?" Mai called.

"I don't know, maybe actually saying sorry?" I said, sarcasm spewing from my words.

"I'm sorry, J. I honestly am," Mai said.

"Same here," Alisha said apologetically. "I never meant for my words to get under your skin like that. Let alone land you in a hospital."

"I forgive you both just don't say shit like that again and, if you do, let me down easy," I said, putting my arms out for a group hug. Soon enough, I'm squashed by three fourteen year old girls. I smile at them. My smile fades almost instantly when I see who's at the door.

"Mason," I breathed.

Jayleen pulled Alisha and Mai out the door, leaving the awkwardness between me and Mason.

"You took your sweet time," I said after a few awkward minutes.

"You seemed pretty pissed and you get pissy after you wake up from these things," he returned.

He knew me so well.

"I'm sorry," we both said at the same time, earning small chuckles from each of us.

"I'm sorry for being a crappy boyfriend," he said, looking at me from underneath his lashes. "I should've known you wouldn't go all pissy if I hadn't said something to really bother you."

"I'm sorry for being pissy and getting mad and being hormonal," I said. "And for being a crappy girlfriend."

"You know there's a difference between saying 'I love you' and 'I'm in love with you'" Mason said suddenly.

I nodded, not sure where he was going with this. There was something I had been meaning to tell him since my birthday and he was getting dangerously close. He paced around for a bit before walking up to me and leaning in so his face was just millimetres from mine.

"I'm in love with you Joanne Mia McKinley."

I felt my breath hitch in my throat. Happiness clouded my face and it was visible.

"I'm in love with you too Mason but never say my middle name again," I breathed out before leaning in to kiss him.

I felt him laugh into the kiss. His lips moved with a burning passion while his tongue slipped into my mouth. I kissed him with as much intensity before he moved to kissing my cheek, my jaw line and now trailing down my neck. My hands tangled themselves in his dark brown locks. It took every piece of my strength not to let a moan be released from my mouth. He worked his way back to my mouth and I pulled on his hair as he groaned. He pulled away, his hair messed up because of me.

"Do you really hate your middle name that much?" He asked while filling his lungs with air once again.

"Yes, Dean," I teased. He cringed at his middle name and I laughed.

The door opened and Mai and Jayleen and Alisha were at the door. Their eyes flickered between Mason's hair and my beamy face. Adding two and two together, the smirked at each other before continuing forward.

"C'mon, the nurse said you can go. You're lucky she let you keep your clothes on," Mai said while walking out. The nurse walked in and detached my body from the machines and I walked out with them only to find my mum and Dylan eating each others faces as we came back into the waiting area. All eyes were on me and I grimaced at the sight. I cleared my throat rather loudly and they pulled away from each other to look up at us.

"Can you guys stop eating each others faces and take us home?" I sneered.

"Attitude runs in the family," he smirked. He turned to Mason. "You've got a feisty one Mason, keep her on a leash."

I glared at Dylan while he mirrored the same look. We held it like that before we both burst out laughing. I fist bumped Dylan before looking at everyone's confused faces. Only me and Dylan understood this thing we had and the faces everyone had on were priceless. Mason let me on his shoulders and we walked down and smiled up at me. I smiled at him before looking over everyone.

My mum was happy with Dylan, Jayleen and Alisha were shoving each other and laughing, Mai and Mason were shooting abuse at each other. It kind of made realise something.

It made me realise that my life wouldn't be complete without these guys.

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