25. The End Is Just The Beginning

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"Is it me or did year ten go by way too fast?" I ask as we're all seated in my garden.

"Too damn right. I feel old!" Alisha groaned.

Trust Alisha to moan about being fifteen. I rolled my eyes and took a lick of my almond Magnum ice-cream. I had other things on my mind right now.

"Alisha, you're fifteen," McKeyla moaned.

"Age is just a number, bebé," Bennett growled.

Alisha looked at him with a look of horror as we all burst of laughing. Well, they laughed and I hiccuped.

"Bye twerp!" Alisha screamed and he stalked back inside. Then she turned to me. "Keep your brother away from me."

I held my hands up in surrender as the glare she was giving me was intense. "No promises."  Laughing, I went to lick my ice cream again when I noticed it wasn't there. My gaze rushed to Leeoni. She loved my ice creams and often stole them but, this time, she only had hers in her hand. I turned to Mason who was happily licking my ice creams. That bastard!

"Hey, give me that!" I screamed, lunging for me ice cream.

Mason tossed my ice cream to Mai who looked caught in the middle. I pinned him down on the hammock while hitting him.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" He apologised while using his hands to shield himself. "Please stop."

"Make me," I challenged, thinking that he couldn't do anything.

Then Mason grabbed my hands and flipped us over so that he was now pinning me down. I just lay there, astonished about how fast he was.

"Surrender?" He questioned.

"Never!" I shouted like a stubborn child.

He smirked at me and leaned down and kissed me softly before pulling away again.

"Surrender!" He repeated.

"Fine," I replied with a sigh.  He smiled and kissed my cheek before kissing my lips. I heard the camera shutter of an iPhone and my eyes shot open along with Mason's.

"Shit," I heard Mai say.

My head turned towards our friends and I saw Mai cursing herself as everyone glared at her with their cameras out. Seriously? How come every single time I kissed Mason or Mason kissed me, they took a picture that would probably end up on Instagram the following day. My mum had seen these photos and I had always gotten interrogated.

"I got a perfect shot!" Leeoni screamed, waving her phone in the air.

"Post it!" They all screamed and Leeoni's fingers started to work overdrive. I would expect my mum to get me in an hour or so. Sighing, I wiggled out from underneath Mason.

"Thanks guys. No, really thanks," I said, sarcasm dripping from my words.

"You love us really," Jayleen smirked.

"I love him," I said, pointing to a smiling Mason next to me. "Not so sure about you guys."

They all laughed while I sat there with Mason's arms around me. This was my favourite place; his embrace. It was all quiet as everyone broke out their phones, scrolling left to right. Then...


They sound was dragged out to its utmost highest pitch which was really annoying. I took out my phone and clicked the Instagram app. My notifications blew up and my eyes widened. I clicked on the first one that popped up to see the photo that Leeoni had just posted.

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