17. High School Musical Shit

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"Ten more minutes and I'm done for four weeks," I mumbled, putting my phone in my pocket.

"It isn't fair that we only get a month holiday. Four weeks but other schools have six. Who the fuck goes on holiday on the 9th of August!" Mai whispered in my ear.

I turned back to my watercolour painting. Yeah, Art on a Friday for sixth period. Was there a better time for Art? Mai was right, though. While all other schools where already on holiday, we were still in school at three forty. I felt like doing some high school musical shit and start going "SUMMER! SUMMER!"

"Well, 9D, I've loved teaching you this year and you will be an asset to your next teacher. Take off your aprons and, once done, you can go," our art teacher said.

You should have seen me! I practically packed up and left that classroom in legit under five seconds.

"See ya!" I chanted, giving a fake salute as I left the classroom.

"Wait up!" Mai called and I continued walking as she tried to catch up.

"You're a bitch, you know that?" She growled while panting. Never satisfying her with an answer, I rolled my eyes and continued walking.

"So, am I invited to the wedding?" She asked.

She was right. The wedding was on the third week of our holiday and things were getting so hectic at home. Being the maid of honour, the amount of after school wedding practises I had to go to were ridiculous and the dress fitting and bridesmaid shopping and venue shopping and just...ugh! Who said you needed to have a huge full out wedding! McKeyla and Leeoni were so lucky. Bennett...not so much. Say hello to Bennett Meyers the ring bearer. I still thought it was a mistake but what could I say? And having your new siblings in your school is quite cool as well. They weren't in my form but they were in our mixed sets. Speak of the Devils.

"You were like fucking Usain Bolt!" Leeoni exclaimed.

"What can I say? We get an extra two weeks at school while others are in Hawaii or someplace exotic. So, yes, I was prepared to beat my track record if it meant that I could get out of there quick!" I ranted.

"She makes a good point," McKeyla reasoned as we got into the bus.

"Mason! Hurry the fuck up!" I called as cMason sped to the bus.

"Language Miss McKinley," our assistant head warned. I nodded and raced up the stairs. Language, I could give a fuck about that.

"We out of there. We finished. I'm good. Four weeks of schoolessness. I'm happy," McKeyla chanted. I laughed at her slid into the corner.

"IT'S SUMMER BITCHES!" I screamed and the whole of the upstairs cheered with me.

I turned to Mason and shot him a warning look. "Don't you leave me stranded like you did last year."

"No don't worry. I'm sticking around to see you as maid of honour," he said, wrapping his arms around me from behind.

"Guys can you cut out the lovey-doveyness. It's sickening."

I turned to see Bennett, sliding in next to Alisha. He scowled at me and I sighed. Another Aiden. Like; the fuck is wrong with the world?

"Hello lady," Bennett growled (in a way that was meant to be seductive) at Alisha. She looked to me for help with a look of disgust on her face.

"Bye twelve year old," she muttered, flipping her face towards the window.

We all howled with laughter as Bennett shrugged and put in his earphones. I looked over to see what he was listening to and it turned out to be a video on how to serenade girls. It seemed like the right thing to do since the only reaction he got was a look of pure disgust and ended up being shot down. I nudged McKeyla and Leeoni and nodded my head towards Bennett. They looked over and instantly spluttered out their laughter. I high fived them and leaned against Mason.

Finally, a well deserved break.

And there was no need for any high school musical shit.

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