15. Meet The Meyers

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"WE'RE MEETING HIS WHAT!" I screamed over the phone.

Mason rubbed his ears, Mai gave me the stink eye, Jayleen raised her middle finger and Alisha just laughed.

"No need to raise your voice Joanne. We're meeting his children. Leeoni's fourteen like you, McKeyla's fourteen as well and Bennett's twelve. They're going to live with us since our house is big enough," she returned.

"Look, I know you and him are getting married but-"

"But nothing. If Aiden's fine with it, so should you."

"Aiden's ten."

"Bye Joanne."

And the line went dead. Great, just peachy. I was meeting a twelve and fourteen year old and they were moving in. They were just lucky we had five bedrooms. My hands made fists as I thought about the whole situation.

"What made you deafen me?" He joked while smoothing out my fists.

"I'm meeting the Myers," I seethed.

"At least you're maid of honour at her wedding," Mai said, obviously trying to make things better.

"Yeah, no. I didn't think her getting re-married would be so hard," I whined, putting my head in my hands.

Mason put his arms around me and held me close.

"We're all allowed to come as well right?" Jayleen asked.

"Not right. It's meant to be a 'family thing'" I said, putting quotation marks around family time.

My phone rang again and I pulled it out. Dylan's caller idea.

"What do you want Myers?" I asked straight away.

"That's no way to speak to you're future father," he said, feigning hurt.

"One, you're going to be my stepdad. Two, you're already pulling out the dad card? Thought you were better than that Myers."

"You're going to be a Myers soon so stop calling me that. Your mum told me to talk to you about the whole meeting my kids thing."

"Bye Dylan."

And I cut the line.

"That guy knows how to get on my nerves," I mumbled.

"Don't worry about it but how old are the peeps you're meeting?" Alisha asked.

"Two fourteens and one twelve," I answered.

"Ewwwie," Jayleen said.

"C'mon worry wart, we're getting off," Mai said.

I kissed Mason's cheek and walked off with Mai. Luck would have to be on my side tonight.


The bell rang and I smoothed down my grey t-shirt dress before going to open the door. Dylan smiled before making his way inside with his kids.

"I was going to say make you're way inside but I guess you're here long enough to know that," I said to Dylan.

He just rolled his eyes before walking to the kitchen to serenade my mum. A black-haired girl with blue eyes stood in front of me. I had to admit, her style was cool. Sleeveless NY t-shirt, shorts and black Converse.

"My dad can be quite stupid," she said.

"I know," I replied, laughing. "I'm Joanne."

"McKeyla Myers," she introduced. "I'm going to like being your stepsister." Same here McKeyla. I nodded and she walked on.

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