09. Laundry

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"I don't worry about terrorism. I was married for two years."—Rudy Giuliani

"And it's so funny because David walks around like a Spanish speaking robot," Tammy laughs.

"I feel bad for him though," Brian says.

"No wonder why we all call his wife the evil incarnated!" Tammy mutters.

It is our break time and we're having lunch at KFC, which is only a little distance away from our office.

I take a sip of my Strawberry Storm, the sweet liquid soothing my dry throat.

"I hope he delivers a great speech at his father-in-law's birthday party," I say.

Brian gulps down a few chicken nuggets. "We all do. He needs to get back to normal soon."

Tammy turns her head in my direction, leaning forward. "How was your counseling session yesterday?"

"It was okay...I mean it's not that we're planning to get back together." I shrug.

Brian frowns. "What do you mean?"

"Look, our parents want us to give our marriage one last chance before we end things between us, and that's why we're attending these counseling sessions...to get rid of each other soon," I say, lifting one shoulder.

"Man, I'm glad I'm not married." She crinkles her nose.

I shake my head. "Marriage is not a bad thing."

She opens her mouth to speak something, but I hold my hand up to stop her, "If you're married to the right person."

"Marriage is not a bad thing, if you're married to the right person," she repeats, "that sounds cool."

I roll my eyes at her.

"So, Todd is not the right person?" Brian asks.

I look at him as he leans against the red wall behind him. His sandy blonde hair shines softly under the dim orange glow of the light.

"I guess so."

"Will you marry again if you happen to find the right person after your divorce?" Tammy asks next.

"Marriage is the last thing on my list of priorities," I scoff.

She nods, munching on her chicken burger.

"I wish I could go to The Bahamas again. It was so much fun, you know, just me and the nature," Brian smiles.

"You're just rubbing salt into the wound, you know that?" Tammy pouts.

Brain and I burst out laughing at her expression. She just looks like a lost puppy.

"Don't worry, Tam, we'll soon visit some exotic places," I say, wrapping my arm around her shoulders.

She rests her head against my shoulder, sighing dramatically, "I hope so."


It's evening time and I'm home early because I finished all my work on time.

I didn't have to bang my head on the screen to pop words out of my head. I'm somewhat satisfied with all the articles that I've written today and I'm sure David will like them too.

It's been more than a week since I moved in with Todd, but I didn't get the time to wash my clothes, so after I change into my pajamas and an over-sized sweatshirt, I decide to do the laundry.

I stand in the middle of the laundry room as I tie my hair in a haphazard ponytail.

"It's gonna take a lot of time," I mumble.

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