You Lied To Me!

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"About what?" Bob asked after Jack and Mark had announced that they had to talk. "Is everything alright, guys?"

Mark and Jack looked at eachother and sighed. "Me and Jack haven't been completely honest with you guys." Mark said, "and there's some things we've been wanting to tell you"

"But we waited until after the con before we told you." Jack pitched in. "so- you know- we wouldn't ruin anybody's fun."

Bob, Wade, and Matthias all looked at Jack and Mark quizzically, though Matthias kept looking around nervously.

why does he look so nervous? Jack thought, looking at Matthias

Everyone sat down in a sort-of-circle while they ate in order to hear Mark and Jack's announcement well. Mark pulled up his seat and clasped his hands together in his lap. "I don't know if any of you have caught on," he started, "but I'm not necessarily-well- straight, so to speak..."

Jack looked at Mark and started speaking as well. "And I- uh- I think I'm gay," he said. "And Mark and I- we're, um- gay together, I guess."

"wait," Bob said, "You mean you're telling us that-"

"we're in a relationship." Mark said bluntly, cutting Bob off. The second the words left Mark's mouth, Matthias got up out of his chair. Despite the group asking what he was doing and where he was going, he continued to walk out the apartment, slamming the door behind him.

"What's his problem?" Jack asked, "where's he going?"

"I don't know." Mark said. "I should probably go talk to him." He got out of his seat and gave Jack a kiss on the forehead before walking out the door.

Jack looked back at him and smiled at the thought of them not having to hide and being able to be comfortable showing their love for eachother around their friends and them not being bothered by it.

well... Maybe not too much love, anyways.

"So you guys really are a thing, now?" Wade asked, bringing Jack out of his trance. "For how long?"

"For a couple of weeks, I believe." Jack replied, smiling happily. "I kissed him while he was at my place one day and after a while, we became a thing. It was originally Tim and Sammy's plan to get us together, though."

"That's adorable," Wade said, laughing. "But to be honest, I kinda already knew."

Bob also nodded in agreement, "Yeah, same here." he said.

Jack was astonished. He looked at Bob and Wade with wide eyes. "How did you guys know?" he asked, curiously.

Wade laughed and slapped his thigh, "Oh, come on! How could we not?" he said while laughing hysterically. "You guys kept being so secretive around eachother and whispering in eachother's ears all the time. Plus there's the hickey on Mark's neck. It's all pretty obvious."

"And When Mark's alarm didn't go off and I had to wake him up, you just happened to be in the hotel room with him. I just didn't say anything." He added and motioned to the hotel room door, "Unlike  some people."

"Oh." Jack replied, somewhat sad-sounding. "I didn't realize that we were so obvious."

"Yeah, you both were, but we're completely supportive and happy for you guys." Bob said, "As long as you guys are happy, we're good, too."

"Thank you, you guys!" Jack said and stood up to give Bob and Wade a hug. "Thank you so much."

"Matthias!" Mark yelled to the figure that was slowly moving his way down the hallway. When Matthias stopped walking, Mark could finally catch up. When he did, he saw that Matthias had his phone out and was dialing a number. "Dude, Matthias, What's wrong? What are you doing?"

Matthias didn't even look up from his phone. "I'm calling a cab and going back to my hotel room." he said, completely ignoring Mark's first question.

"What? Why?" Mark half-yelled. "Come on, Matthias, tell me the truth!" he put his hand on Matthias's shoulder, as if to comfort him.

Matthias ripped his shoulder from Mark's grip and spun to face Mark. "Why?! You were the one that lied to me first, after all!" He screamed in Mark's face. "You want the truth? Fine! The truth is that Jack doesn't deserve you! I'm so jealous of him; He doesn't deserve you because I'm more in love with you than he could ever be!"

"You're wha-" Mark started to say, but was cut off by Matthias slamming his lips onto Mark's. His lips were soft, but not quite as soft as Jack's were, and Mark refused to kiss him back.

Just as quickly as it began, Matthias pulled away and looked at Mark's shocked and astonished expression, wide eyes and mouth wide open. "I-I need to go." Matthias said, and ran out the back door of the hotel building.

Mark slowly walked back to the hotel room and walked into the door.

"Hey Mark!" Bob said when he walked in and the rest of the group looked at him, Jack smiling brightly, but faltering when he saw how sad Mark looked. "What happened with Matthias? Where'd he run off to?"

Mark sighed but smiled weakly. "He called a cab and decided to go back to his hotel room." he replied, "He has a really early flight tomorrow."

Bob and Wade stood up from their seats, "Yeah, we have pretty early flights too, and it's getting pretty late. We should probably get going, too." Wade said. "Thanks for the pizza. We're really happy for you two!"

The group said their goodbyes and out the door Bob and Wade went. When they were gone, Mark sat down on the bed and put his head in his hands.

"Mark," Jack began, sitting down on the bed with Mark and wrapping his arm around him. "Why don't you tell me when really happened. You're so upset you look like you're about to be sick."

Mark looked up and laid his head on Jack's shoulder. "well..." He started. "He- he kissed me."

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