Chapter 4

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Stacey stared at the number in her phone for what felt like the whole car ride back to the hotel. She couldn't believe he had just given her his number. Was he really serious about seeing them again?

"Ok spill, you have been acting weird ever since you got in the limo" Maggie said interrupting Stacey from her thoughts.

"Well Roman... I mean Joe gave me his number; he wants to see us again. At first he was just going to come alone to the performance center but then he suggested that we do something else and he could bring his daughter along too. It's just... don't know, it seems all so unreal to me, ya know?"

"Okay first thing, HOW FREAKING AWESOME you got Roman Reigns' phone number! Two, he likes you, it's obvious. And three if he's willing to bring his daughter he must be serious."

"Yea, maybe you're right." Stacey sighed.

"Of course I'm right I'm always right!" Maggie exclaimed causing Stacey to start laughing.

"Yeah okay Mags, have you seen some of the boys you've brought home." Maggie just shrugged.

The girls returned to their hotel when they were greeted by Kim and Danielle.

"Did you all have a good time?" Kim asked the girls.

"Yeah we had a great time, some of us more than others" Stacey said with a small laugh and lifted her arms slightly which were now holding the still sleeping Kennedy.

"I'm so glad you all had a great time." Kim smiled.

"So if you don't mind me asking, what's the schedule like the rest of the time we're here? I just want to make sure it won't be too much for Kennedy and that if she needs it there would be time for her to nap or relax." Stacey asked Kim and Danielle. Maggie who was standing behind Kim and Danielle smiled at her sister and gave her a look like I know the real reason behind this question.

"Of course we can go over the schedule with you! We tried to keep it pretty low key so that she wouldn't be overwhelmed but we can definitely go over it and make sure" Danielle told her.

"Great. Thanks!" Stacey said as she headed toward the elevator, giving her sister a quick elbow shot as she passed her for making the face she made.

The group headed back up to the girls' suite. Maggie put Kennedy to bed while Stacey sat with Kim and Danielle to go over the schedule they planned to the rest of the trip. The girls had done a great job planning the trip and there was lots of downtime so Kennedy would be able to nap or relax if she needed it and so the girls could enjoy some family time. Stacey noticed they had blocked out all of Wednesday for a family day, she figured if Joe was serious this would be the day to do it. She thanked Danielle and Kim for their help as they walked out of the hotel room. Maggie returned from the bedroom and just smiled at her sister who was looking over the schedule.

"So we need downtime on this trip incase Kennedy needs a nap?" Maggie said with questioning voice. "I haven't seen her take naps since she was about 4. Even when she was at her sickest that girl really didn't take naps. Which by the way I've been meaning to ask are you sure she's yours? I mean you love sleep and that kid could go for days without it."

"Shut up Maggie you know why I asked the question. I just didn't think it would their business to tell them I want family time so we can go hang out with Joe and his daughter if he still wants too. And yes after everything I went through to bring her into this world I'm positive she's mine. Beside you and mom are early risers she's get that from you guys."

Maggie shrugged. "Better call him and let him know we're free Wednesday"

"I'll do it tomorrow morning. It's late."

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