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7:45 a.m.

Yanna: Aaliyah. Aaliyah. Aaliyah wake up

Aaliyah: I'm up I'm up

Yanna: Go shower and get ready for school and Breakfast don't forget you have practice after school so I'll have to pack all of your protein snacks and drop them off after work

Aaliyah: ugh mom do I have to go to practice?

Yanna: yes ma'am you do because you have to stay in shape just like mommy does my dear

Aaliyah: but mom

Yanna: but mom nothing its Just 1 hour and 45 minutes worth of exercise it won't kill you hunny bun

Aaliyah: but I do Zumba with you every night before bed

Yanna: Elisa go shower and we'll talk about practice during breakfast

I went downstairs and made bacon, eggs, and biscuits. I made our plates and as I sat them on the table Aaliyah came down the stairs and asked me the weirdest question.

Aaliyah: mom when are you going to have another baby?

Yanna: what made you ask that?

Aaliyah: well I've been thinking about a baby brother for a little while Now and I just wanted to know

Yanna: well sweetheart in order to have a baby you have to have a Man and well I don't have a Man

Aaliyah: well maybe you and dad can have another baby

Yanna: heck no I'm sorry Aaliyah but I don't like your father and I sure as heck am not making another child with him

Aaliyah: really mommy? Just think about it I mean we are going to the water park Saturday and maybe y'all can work it out you both are single PLEASE MOMMY

Yanna: we'll have to see about all of that maybe we can adopt you a brother or something

Aaliyah: no have you seen the movie orphan? Are you crazy?

Yanna: yes I've seen that movie we watched it together and you better watch what you say to me little girl I said we'll see

Aaliyah: okay mom I apologize

Yanna: go get your hair stuff so I can put your twist up and tonight I'm taking them out and washing your hair

Aaliyah: why?

Yanna: because we gave family pictures Saturday and I want to give you time to go natural before I press your hair

Aaliyah: okay mom

I washed the dishes from breakfast and did Aaliyah's hair. Afterwards she put on her peach and white chevron shirt and black tights with her peach sandals. I did my hygiene and all I could do was think about what Aaliyah said at breakfast. Time had slipped past and I was still thinking about it. I got dressed and grabbed my things. I packed Aaliyah a lunch because today me and her father has to meet up because I have no idea where all of that came from. I grabbed my purse and brief case and was out the door with Aaliyah. I dropped her off and told her I would see her when I got off from work and bought her protein snacks. Before I hopped on the highway I text Eric.

Text Conversation

Boss Lady: hey can we meet up for lunch? I have something that I need to talk to you about

Eric: yeah sure what time do you have lunch?

Boss Lady: 12:30

Eric: sounds good I'll see you then

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