Thursday And Friday

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    Aaliyah get up so I can get you ready for school.

Ma I am tired give me two more minutes.

    Get up now and get in the shower.

Fine ugggghhhhh

   Ugh me again and you gon wish like heck you didnt

     I dont work the rest of the week because we had a terroristic threat at my job. I made Aaliyah some snacks for practice. I made breakfast and she came down and ate. I put her Senegalese in a Waterfall braid and I dropped her off at school.

     I stopped by the market on my way home and got some snow crabs, sausage,red potatoes,shrimp,corn, and crawlfish seasoning. I went home and decided to clean the house. I started with the upstairs first so I could do laundry while I cook. I clean Aaliyah's room and bathroom first. I got all of her laundry and put it in the hallway. I cleaned my bathroom and room and headed downstairs with the laundry.

   I started Aaliyah's laundry first and started on the kitchen. I washed the dishes and started the food. I moved to the dining room and vaccumed and mopped it . I did the living room and put Aaliyah's clothes in the dryer while I put mine in.

   I left the house and got her some Wendy's for lunch I stayed and talked to her for a minute. Then I went back home and dryed my clothes and put Aaliyah's clothes up. She has alot of clothes just like her mom so afterschool I said I was going to buy her another closet when I got mine.

Text convo.

Pretty girl LiLi: mom wyd?

Boss lady: folding your clothes wassup?

Pretty girl LiLi: nothing in dance class bored

Boss lady: after practice i'm getting you another closet because you barely have room

Pretty girl LiLi: lol okay......

Boss lady: bye girl I gotta finish cleaning up

  I cooked and folded clothes. I mopped and vaccumed and then I had time to take a 45 minute nap. I slept for a good little minute then I headed to Crenshaw to get Aaliyah. How was school? Good. Practice? Worrysome okay...

      We went to Walmart and got some double pop up closets and headed home. We ate dinner and while Aaliyah was in the tub I put her clothes that couldn't fit in her walk in closet in the pop up closet. I did the same in my room and Aaliyah came and laid on my bed while I was reading 50 Shades of Grey. Ma can we make a grocery list and a regular list please? I closed my book and started writing out a “regular“ list.

     We finished the list and went downstairs to do Zumba. After Zumba Aaliyah called it a night and I took out some pork chops. I put them in the slow cooker. I took out her clothes for school and called it a night.


    Aaliyah are you up? Yes ma'am i'm getting out of the shower. Okay breakfast is ready and your clothes are downstairs. Coming. She ate and I put her twist in a nice tight ponytail. I dropped her off at school and headed home.

   I made some gravy for the pork chops and made some rice and corn. I went to sleep and woke up in the nick of time and headed to Burger King and got Aaliyah a double Whopper, large fry, and vanilla sprite. I dropped off her food and picked up my friend Amanda.

   We went grocery shopping and we went to my house.

Yanna: you work tomorrow?

Amanda: no I don't why?

Yanna: we going shopping tomorrow

Amanda: i'm going what time?

Yanna: like 2 Eric triflin ass got visitation for an hour

Amanda: oh that bitch sad case ok what time he coming?

Yanna: he get off at 12 and Aaliyah gon sleep till atleast 11 so prolly 1 because you know he gon be tired from making my money at the plant

Amanda: right

Yanna: Aaliyah like him somewhat but I don't have shit for him

Amanda: I know that's right

  We talked for about an hour and I picked up Aaliyah and dropped off Amanda.


  So you looking forward to seeing your father tomorrow?

Yes I guess

  Cool i'm going to be there like always

  Why can't you guys get along for one visitation?

  Baby if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be cordgial with that guy


      Eat your food and go shower

We ate,cleaned the kitchen,and showered then we did Zumba and had a movie night. At around 4 in the morning I brought a sleeping Aaliyah to her room and took out some bacon for breakfast. At 5 I fell asleep.


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