Wednesday-Picture Day

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7:45 a.m.

    I didn't have to battle with Aaliyah to get up for school. She woke up on the second time I called her name. She showered while I made breakfast and while she ate breakfast I showered. We got dressed and I ate a English Muffin and drank some Orange Juice before redoing Aaliyah's bun and leaving her in the Living Room to do my hair and make up. Today I have two cases and then I am home free. I decided to Crochet me some Senegalese Twist when I get off. My friend Amanda work nights so she is going to prep my twist while i'm at work then she is going to help me put them in before she goes to work. I decided i'm going to take Aaliyah shoe and clothes shopping since I get her child support this week and I am also going to give her $250 from each case I win.

   I dropped Aaliyah off at school and headed to court I won my first case at 10:45a.m. and waited for my second case to come up. I won my second case at around 11:20 and had 10 minutes to go to Subway and got Aaliyah a Meatball Marinara with American Cheese and me a Meatball Marinara with Pickles, Olives, American Cheese, and Banana Peppers.

   I made it to the school when the kids were on their way to lunch and I accidentally bumped into Aaliyah. We ate and I told her I would see her Fifth Period when I bought her protein bars for practice. I went home and packed Aaliyah's snack pack and called Amanda.

Yanna: hey I am at home I just got out the shower and I washed my hair and now i'm going to drop off Aaliyah's protein snacks and i'm on my way

Amanda: Ok girl I got the hair waiting for you

I dropped off Aaliyah's snacks and headed to Amanda's house. I braided my hair then she crochet it in. I went home and cooked some spaghetti. Aaliyah came home did her homework, showered, ate dinner, and we dropped Amanda some food off at work. We did Zumba and went to sleep.

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