Monday- Typical school Day

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Aaliyah Elisa Marcel if I tell you to get up one more time I'm taking that phone for the whole day!

   As soon as I said that she sped to the bathroom to get ready for school. She did her hygiene and then I did her hair and fed her breakfast. I got ready for work and then we grabbed our stuff and headed to my Range Rover. I dropped Aaliyah off at school and got on the highway to head to work.

   Before lunch I had talked to 2 of my 4 clients about their cases. That left me with two more clients and filing which would lead to me getting done just in time to pick up Aaliyah from school.

    For lunch I bought Aaliyah a Baconator and I got a Chicken Salad with Pecans and Strawberries in it. We talked for thirty minutes about nothing then I headed back to work. I started filing which only took  20 minutes then I saw my last two clients and I was done so I went to the school to wait for Aaliyah.

  Aaliyah got in the car and we headed to the grocery store so I could get some chicken breast for the chicken tacos. We made dinner together and did Zumba before we showered and called it a night.

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