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7:30 am

I woke up and did my hygiene before I put on my last outfit at this house before it's sold. I did my hair and grabbed all of my stuff for work and to reenroll Charyssa back into school. Eric and I got onto the highway and headed to my parent's house.

7:53 am

Me: girls hurry up we have to go

They hurriedly made their way to the car and I hopped on the highway and headed to the school. We made it just in time. Miranda and Madison were there waiting for us. We enrolled the girls and headed back to my old house where the guys loaded the bed on Miranda's truck and they left. Eric and I met with my realtor and she said that we had two offers for the house. We sold the home to a nice family that would be moving in on Wednesday. We headed to the old house and got all three of my cars and bought them to the new house. Once all of that was done we went to grab a bite to eat and we went to work. I talked to Mr Strout for two hours then I filed paperwork and clocked out to get the girls some lunch which was Chipotle. After I sat and ate with the girls I headed to the grocery store to make groceries. Once I felt like the kitchen was stocked with enough food to control the hunger of two growing girls and a grown man I returned to work.

 M: Mrs. Marcel your 1:30 cancelled he said that he couldnt make it today and he'll see you Wednseday

Y: Well thank you I wish I would've known that I would've just stayed home 

M: He just called as you were walking in the door, but while you were out Janice told me to relay a message that she needed to have a word with you about one of your new clients

Y: Okay so is she in her office? Did you tell her where I was and the time that I would be returning

M: Yes ma'am Mrs. Marcel she said it wasn't important enough to stop what you were doing just to talk about a case that might not be but she's in her office now

Y: okay thanks doll 

After that I walked to Janice's Office and knocked on the door. She opened it and invited me in. 

Y: I was told that you would like to have a word with me?

J: yes ma'am, I have a case but this by far is the hardest that I've ever had

Y: so what kind of case is it? and how can I assist you?

J: WITNESS PROTECTION and ive never done anything like this in my life and Mia told me if I cant get this one right then I'm going to work for Huber and I really dont want to leave 

Y: well you do know that just because Mia's my aunt doesn't mean that I can tell her what to do with her firm?

J: yes i know thats why i asked could you help me with my case i mean you're more experienced then i am 

Y: okay okay so witness protection... Pull up the files for the case and all of the information that goes with it and ill sit here and help you look over it so that we can pull out all of the important details and make you some notes

J: OMG thank you thank you so much I'll get right on it that really means alot to me 

Y: No problem I was just going to go home and cook then in two hours pick up my kids but I can do that when we're done

J: Okay lets get to work

She pulled her files for her case and I worked my magic. 

Y: I set you up so you should be good to go but remember everything that I taught you and you'll do just fine and if you have any questions, thoughts, or concerns don't hesitate to call me no matter what time of the day or night 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2017 ⏰

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