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Aaliyah's P. O. V.

I woke up this morning 1 hour before my mom did so I decided to throw some Hamburgers and French Fries in the oven for dinner tonight. I went upstairs and showered then I had just enough time to make us breakfast burritos. I fixed our plates and I sat down to dig in. Not even 10 minutes later my mom came downstairs and started smiling.

Mom: so you decided not to give me hell today and get up on your own?

Me: Awww mom you said a bad word

Mom: girl stop I didn't say anything but anyway what did you burn up in my kitchen?

Me: breakfast burritos and hamburgers and French fries

Mom: I'm proud of you and you know once the baby comes that's going to take all of the attention off of you right?

Me: okay?

Mom: I'm just saying that's what you want and I don't want to hear you complaining about attention either you hear?

Me: can't we just wait a few years until I'm like 15 because this year I turn 9

Mom: girl you need to make up your mind you want a sibling or no? Because in 6 years I'll be 31 and I don't plan on having kids the latest I'm having a child is 28

Me: okay we'll wait

Mom: why are your backing out?

Me: excuse my French but I'm an attention whore

Mom: little girl don't make me whoop your behind offense or none you're still a child Elisa I'm going to shower clean the dishes and get your hair stuff so I can do it before I drop your little grown behind off at school

Me: I didn't mean it mom I apologize

Mom: you're fine just don't let it happen again

She goes to her room to shower and I cleaned the whole kitchen, sweept, mopped, the whole nine yards. I went upstairs and got my hair stuff then headed back downstairs. My mom was just getting down, then she put her shoes on , and was ready to do my hair. She put mousse on my natural curls and added a headband then we were ready to go. The ride to school was awkward but I stuck it out like a sore thumb. Mom dropped me off and told me she would bring me lunch and my protein snacks after school. I said goodbye and walked into the building where I met up with my Bestfriend Charyssa.

Me: Hey Girl I got you some food again

Her: thank you so much you know how tight food is at my house with 8 people there

Me: yes I feel for you maybe you can stay with me at my house I'll ask my mom to talk to your aunt and see if it's cool

Her: yes that would be great

Me: oh yeah I don't want a sibling yet I just want to be the only child till like age 13 or something

Her: girl you're a mess and what did your mom say

Me: she's the one that came up with the damn idea and I cursed in front of her this morning and she slipped and cursed as well but she said not to curse again

Her: damn bro i need to stop cursing infront of you before your mom says we can't be friends anymore

Me: heck yeah well let's hit up gym

We headed to gym and had a blast playing kick ball today. I was now in English taking a vocabulary test. When the bell rang my mom was already in the cafeteria with my food and my dad. I walked up and spoke to them then I took a seat.

Me: so what's going on?

Mom: nothing we can't Just have lunch with our potty mouth daughter

Me: really mom?

Dad: I heard about your little outburst but enough of that how has your day been?

Me: good but anyways mom I have a very important question

Mom: what's up?

Me: my friend Charyssa has alot of people living in her home and to be exact 8 people and I was wondering if she could stay with us for a little while until her aunt gets some room?

Mom: sure but you're responsible for her

Me: okay no biggy

Mom: alright well I have to talk to this aunt and see what she has to say about it

Me: well mom here they come now she called her here to talk to you

Mom: okay you will have to split your allowance with her I just want you to know and instead of getting $250 each case you'll now be getting $125

Me: but mom

Mom: but nothing

Me: okay fine she won't be here for long

Mom: Yeah that's the spirit

They came over and took a seat then talked with us. Her aunt agreed that she could stay but only on weekdays. The reason being is because they have to visit her mom every Saturday and they travel out of town for church on Saturday night so they'll be ready for Sunday. When my parents left we went to class. My mom told me that she was going to Charyssa's aunt's house to get her things for school. She's about to be fye, eating all the good food, and living the life for a month until her cousins move out and her mom comes home. School flew by quick before we practiced Charyssa and I talked about what to expect at my house, what to do, and what not to do. My mom bought us protein snacks and powerades. We ate our snacks and practiced. Afterwards my mom picked us up. When we arrived home we showed our guest where she would be staying. We all showered and mom warmed up the food that I cooked this morning. We sat down, ate, and talked about our day. We cleaned the kitchen and did Zumba. We all picked out our outfits for tomorrow and my mom did our hair. She put my hair in two French braids and Charyssa's hair in a braid going up into a ponytail. Afterwards Charyssa called it a night while mom and I made cookies for school tomorrow, then we made dinner for tomorrow which was homemade pita pockets. We made homemade pita bread and sliced the chicken breast into strips that we baked in the oven for our pita pockets. After we got the chicken going and we cut the pita bread in halves we then started stuffing them. Then when the chicken was done we stuffed it into the pitas. We grabbed to-go containers and both of my lunch kits that we put in the freezer. We placed the sandwiches into the containers, then we had to go to the store so mom put the cameras on in the house because she doesn't really know Charyssa just yet. We went to H. E. B Plus and got fruit cups, veggie straws, those Voss bottles that you can make fruit water in, some fresh and frozen fruit, and some smart water. When we made it home while we were in the garage Mom checked the cameras around the house and to her surprise Charyssa only looked for us and was now sitting on the couch. Mom and I grabbed all of the bags and went inside.

Mom: Charyssa are you hungry?

Charyssa: yes ma'am but I don't want to be a burden to you guys I'll be fine

Mom: I have chicken pita pockets here come get one we'll start you off with half of one because they're so big

Charyssa: thank you Mrs. Marcel

Mom: your welcome anytime hunny

She ate her food and helped me and mom make the lunches. We all had a blast at 11:15 I decided to go to bed. I said good night and I went to my room next thing I knew I was soundfully asleep.

Yanna's P. O. V

After we made lunches Elisa went to bed it was only me and Charyssa left. We talked and got to know eachother better. I told her that when I pressed Elisa's hair I would do her some box braids before she left for the weekend and I would buy her a phone. She agreed and judging by the fact that she doesn't have any clothes that are expensive or decent looking after Mr. Marx case and my brief meeting with Mrs. Bladshaw I'll go to the mall and get her some clothes and shoes for school. Then her clothes she brought will go back to her aunts house when she leaves this weekend. At 11:50 she went to sleep so I decided to dvr my movie for tomorrow and call it a night judging by the fact that I have a case tomorrow and one the next day means I'll have to go in for about an hour. I went to my room and as soon as I hit the pillow I was knocked out cold.

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