Chapter One

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Hello to all of my followers and readers!

So I have been working on rewriting this story for a while now. For the past week or so I have been in a frenzy to try and finish it. I have about five chapters or so to finish rewriting before it is completely done. Now why have I finally decided to post the first rewritten chapter? Because I finally hit my 500th follower here on Wattpad. That is why this chapter will be dedicated to JackZander

Now this story follows a lot of the same chapters that it had before only now a few of the specific facts and scenes are different. So I definitely would suggest giving it a reread. This story was written back during high school and I am twenty-one now so it was time for a rewrite. Also for the confusion regarding Sam's eye color it has officially been fixed in this first chapter and I'll continue to fix the issue in the following. Thanks for supporting this story so much!

I love you guys and each and every one of you mean the world to me. I thank you all and hope that you will continue to follow me throughout the years as I grow as both a person and a writer. 



Chapter One

In the dream, he was sitting on the beach after a long day of surfing. The sun was shining bright in the blue sky. The waves smoothed out slightly. The sand was warm and hot under his body. Also he laid on the towel next to him working on his tan while reading a book.

"What are you reading this time?" he asked him slightly shocked. Just yesterday he finished reading Pride and Prejudice and now he's already half way through another book.

"The Princess Bride." The words are effortless and smooth as they exited his mouth.

He suppressed his laughter with an amused smile.


"Oh, shut up!" he scowled. "My sister made me watch the movie with her last night and I was interested in the book. Sue me."

"I just may!" He joked still finding his book choice amusing.

He rolled his chocolate brown eyes before returning them to the page he was currently reading. The first man studied the second as he ran his towel through his wet hair. His body was perfectly tanned from lying on the beach all day. His shaggy brown hair fell into his eyes. He also had his reading glasses on which made him look incredibly sexy.

"You know you've been reading all day," he eased into the statement. "Don't you think you could use a break?"

"Oh, yeah? And do what exactly?" He looked up at him with a suggestive eyebrow.

"I think we could figure something out." He winked playfully.

He smirks and put the bookmark in his book to save his spot. He then sets it aside and moves closer to him.

"What exactly should we do?" He asked teasingly.

"Let me show you."

He leaned forward and pressed their lips together. 

The two men stayed like that forever. Nothing interrupted them. There were no problems. No secrets. No hiding. Everything was peaceful . . . unlike real life. Only in his dreams could he be himself and not be judged. Unfortunately, just like every day, it must come to an end.

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