Chapter 11 The Demons Return

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As time passed, Michelle's confidence in herself and in her relationship with Paul grew. They were happy together and it became recognized by both press and fans that she was Paul's girlfriend. Michelle  worked regularly as a session musician and was enjoying her life immensely. Then one day, whilst Paul and Michelle were enjoying some time together, Rose called Michelle for a phone call. Michelle answered it eagerly, thinking it was to do with her new working life.

"Michelle Bailey speaking."

"Miss Bailey, or should I used your real name, Mrs McDonald? My name  is Simon Shaw. I'm a reporter on the Daily Mirror. Would you like to comment on the photographs that have been released today?"

"Photographs? I'm sorry I don't know what you're talking about."

"Pictures of you with your husband, Miss Bailey." There was a pause, "So,  is it true you are having an affair with Mr McCartney and that you have deserted your husband and children? Is Mr McCartney aware that he is living with a married woman? Your comment please Miss Bailey."

"Look, where have you got this information from? It's not true?" Michelle stammered, "Now just leave me alone!"

Paul, hearing the distress in her voice, followed her into the hallway. "Who is it?" he whispered.

Michelle slammed the phone down then sank onto the bottom stair and put her head in her hands. Immediately Paul knelt before her. "What is it Michelle?" he asked in concern.

Michelle slowly raised her head to face him, tears in her eyes. "It was a reporter," she said quietly, "He's saying he's got photo's of me with Ian and some of the my babies. They've been released to the papers. He wanted me to comment on why I left my husband and child to have an affair with you! Where have they got them Paul? I didn't even know pictures of my babies existed! I've never seen any!"

"Photo's?" Paul took her hand in his, "We can sort this love. Did he name which newspaper he was from?"

Michelle told him.

"Then we need to get a copy and see what they're on about."

 Suddenly the phone rang again. Michelle picked it up. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" She screamed, slamming the phone back into it's cradle. "It's them again Paul!"

Before anything further could be done, Rose came into the hallway, she was holding a rolled up newspaper. "I think you both need to see this."

Michelle snatched it off her. Paul smiled apologetically at Rose as Michelle began searching frantically through the pages. Suddenly she gasped. "No!" Her cry was filled with pain. "NO.NO.NO.NO!"

Paul and Rose turned their attention to her. By now Michelle was crying, "Look at this picture." Michelle sobbed as she pointed to a picture of herself, taken as a profile shot holding a small baby in her arms. The picture showed her putting her whole focus on the child in her arms. "This picture was taken after my baby died. How have they got hold of these pictures? I don't even have a copy of this picture." Michelle broke down, throwing the newspaper to the floor.

Paul picked up the paper and scanned the pictures. Shaking his head, he moved to Michelle and soothed her tears. Rose left the two, only to return minutes later with a drink for them both.

"I think the best thing to do about this is to ring Tom and see what he suggests our next step could be. Rose...can you sit with Michelle whilst I phone."

Rose sat with Michelle and encouraged her to drink. Michelle strained to hear what Paul was saying, but failed. Impatiently, she put the cup down and went to the hall door to listen. Paul was listening intently. Eventually he said good bye and hung up.

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