Chapter 47 - Goodbyes

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Just five days after loosing her beloved husband, Michelle found herself facing two detectives wanting to talk about the incident itself. After going through the sequence of painful events with them, she was delivered a huge bombshell.

“Mrs. McCartney, we have eye witness accounts of the incident involving your husband. We believe, based on those accounts, that your husband was killed deliberately.”

Michelle stared at them, taking in the full horror of the information. “But….” She stopped, bewildered, lost for words.

“Mrs. McCartney, can you think of any reason why someone would want to kill your husband?”

“No……there was never anything like that until …well until the stuff you know about.”

One of the detectives shuffled uncomfortably. “Mrs. McCartney, I’m sorry I have to ask you this, has your husband ever been involved in any business deals or things where he may have crossed people?”

“Crossed people?” Michelle looked at them in disbelief. Suddenly she began to laugh. “He was a musician not a gangster! I can’t imagine someone wanting to hurt him because they didn’t like his music. Can you?”

“Is it possible your husband was having an affair?”

“What!?” Michelle glared at the officers in front of her. “Look,” she snapped, “Paul and I were married for nearly twenty five years. We were happy OK? No affairs! No business problems! Nothing! Now please, I’m grieving for my husband and I no longer want you in my home. Please leave!”

“Mrs. McCartney we need to…”

“I think,” said Mike softly, “that you should do as Mrs. McCartney asks. Rest assured we will look into as much as we can to help with your enquiries. However…” he moved over to her, “I think this is enough for today, don’t you?”

“And you are Sir?”

“Michael McCartney. Paul was my brother. I’m here to support Mrs. McCartney and her children and, of course, attend his funeral as soon as you decide his body can be released.”


 The day of Paul’s funeral dawned dry but cold. After showering and dressing Michelle entered the kitchen where she found her four children nursing mugs of hot chocolate made for them by Rose.

“Morning everyone. How are we all today?”

“Mum?” It was Michael. Michelle turned and looked at her nine year old son. She noticed his drawn tired face, pinched with recent tears.

“Yes sweetheart?”

“Is Uncle Mike coming today?”

“Of course, he was Dad’s brother. He’ll be here soon. Why?”

Michael shuffled in his seat, fresh tears glistening in his eyes. Michelle’s heart went out to him. She walked to him and wrapped him in a warm hug.

“Come on sweetheart. Mike will be here soon. Get washed and dressed then you’ll be able to sit with him. OK?”

“Mum…do I have to wear black today? Can I wear something that I know dad liked me to wear instead?”

She looked into his sad brown eyes. “Michael McCartney, today is all about you saying good bye to the dad that you loved. What you wear is totally up to you.” She looked at the other children, “and that applies to the rest of you too. Wear whatever you think is right for you and your dad. I have.”

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