Chapter 1:

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Dakota's POV:

"See this? This means I graduated." I shook my diploma in front of Ryan. 
"No, I thought it meant you become part of the circus." I rolled my eyes and fixed my graduation gown.
"Where is everyone?"
"Probably talking to there families, like what you should be doing." Ryan shooed me away. I looked around and found my Mom.
"You're getting too old for me Dakota." My Mom hugged me.
"I know." She let go and smiled.
"Now go find your friends." I walked away and looked for everyone.
I looked to my right and saw Jacob.
I walked over to him and gave him a hug.
"Now where finally out of this hell." I chuckled and gave him a kiss.
"Surprised I didn't see Satan at our school yet." We laughed and looked for everybody else.

We didn't find everyone, so we just waited for everyone to find us.
"I'm so ready to go to West Palm." I put my arms around Jacob's waist, but he moved me I front of him. He started to kiss me, as he did I heard a camera go off. I frowned and let go. I looked next to me and saw my Mom.
"Sorry, I thought it would be a cute picture." She smiled and walked away.
"That was weird." I said before he pressed his lips against mine. I made him stop, just in time too.
"Hey lovebirds." Kyra said putting an arm around me. 
"Where is everyone?" She shrugged and looked over her shoulder.
"Dylan!" She ran towards him and jumped in his arms.
"Those two are irrespirable." I said as Dylan and her walked towards us.
"Where is everybody?" Dylan said irritated.
"Don't ask me." As I said that everyone showed up.
My mom took a picture of all of us and sent it to me. We talked for a little bit and joked around. I said goodbye to everyone and left.
"Come back here you crazy dog!" I chased my dog down the road but stopped at the corner to catch my breath.
"Didn't know you ran." I looked up and saw Jacob.
"I don't. My dog ran away." I said through my heavy breathing.
"Do you want me to get him?" I nodded and sat on the sidewalk. Not to long after he returned with Duke.
I put him on his leash and thanked Jacob. We started walking towards my house.

"So happy I ran into you." I said interlocking my hand into Jacob's.
"I am too. Tell me about the house you got for this summer." 
"The house has two floors and there are six rooms, a pool, kitchen, bathrooms of course, living room, dining room, and even outside seating." I smiled and looked at the ground, chuckling.
"What's so funny?"
"Nothing," I looked at him. "It's just, I'm talking about a house to my boyfriend and it feels like we're buying a house together, like married couples do."
"We have to share beds with everyone or no."
"Yes and no. Some rooms have two beds and some have one." He nodded. We arrived at my house and stopped in front of it.

"Well, bye. I'll see you tomorrow." He hugged me and kissed my forehead.
"Tomorrow?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Oh ya, I'm taking you some where tomorrow evening." He smiled.
"Text me tomorrow the details, ok?"
He nodded, then he kissed me quickly.
Duke jumped on Jacob and he laughed.
"Well someone's jealous." I laughed and said goodbye to Jacob.
I walked up to my house and went inside. I let Duke off his leash and he ran around.
I set his leash down, took off my sneakers and went to my room.

Oh my god! I haven't talked to Georgia in forever!

I grabbed my phone and texted Georgia.
'Hey. Do you want to go to the mall. I'll pick you up, be there in 10 minutes'
I didn't care if she wanted to go or not, I kept on my workout clothes and grabbed my purse, phone and car keys.

I drove to her house and waited. She came out with the biggest smile.
"Get in loser, we're going shopping." She laughed at my Mean Girls reference and got in. 
"I haven't seen you in forever!" I said starting to drive to the mall.
"So, how is everyone?"
"Everyone's good."
"You and Jacob, still strong?" I nodded.
"Yes, actually we going somewhere tonight." She nodded as my phone buzzed.
"Can you read the text." She grabbed my phone and read it to me.
"Jacob said wear a casual dress." I nodded.
"Well, we're going dress shopping."
We finally got to the mall.

"I think I should get this." I said spinning around in a coral maxi dress.
"It looks good. You should definitely get it." I nodded and changed into my clothes and bought the dress.
"We should go to the nail salon." We agreed and went to the nail salon.
"You should do blue, you look good with it." I handed Georgia a light blue and she nodded.
"You should do the color of your dress, so it matches." I nodded and found the color.
We sat down for a pedicure.
"So, how are you and Nate doing?"
"Oh my god! I forgot to tell you that we are going to West Palm this year."
"Really?!" I nodded.
"Yay, tell me the details of the house we are staying at." I told her about the house and how we had to share rooms.
"Ok, how long are we staying?"
"Two weeks." She nodded.

Once we were done getting our nails done, we went to get lunch.
"Let's go to Panera." We went to there and ordered and sat down.
"So, has Jacob taken you're virginity yet?" She wiggled her eyebrows. 
"Not yet." I chuckled and our food came.
"But I'm happy that we are going on a date tonight. We don't ever go to fancy places. We usually just stay at my house and make the best of it." She nodded.
"Me and Nate don't do anything, we are  go with the flow kind of people." 

Once we finished I dropped her off at her house and I went home and relaxed before my date.

Yay! The second book is finally here! This one is not going to have as many chapters but it will still be cute. Hope you liked the first chapter😊 Please


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