Chapter 2:

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I put on my dress and twirled around in front of the mirror. I put on BB cream, lip stick, mascara, and eyeshadow. Then I lightly curled my hair.
I got a text from Jacob.
'I'm here, I'll wait outside for you💖' After I read his text, I grabbed my phone and put on tan wedges. I went outside and saw Jacob waiting outside his car.
"You look beautiful." He smiled.
"Thank you, and you look very handsome." I smiled and gave him a kiss. He opened the door for me and I got into his BMW.
"You're car is surprisingly clean." I said as he got in.
"It's always clean." He started to drive away from my house.
"So where are we going?"
"You'll see." It wasn't long before we arrived at a nice restaurant.
I got out of his car and walked with him to the entrance.
Our dinner was normal. He bought me a necklace, it was two rose gold hearts.

"Jacob, I love it." I got up and hugged him.
"I love you." I smiled.
"I love you too." I let go of him and sat back down.
I admired the two necklaces ion my neck. The one my dad technically have to me, and the one Jacob gave me.
He dropped me off at my house and we said goodnight.
When I went inside my house, I saw a note on the coffee table.

I'm staying late at the hospital, go to one of you're friends houses, make the best of when I'm not there.

Love Mom

I called her, but she's probably not going to answer. But she did.
"Hi mom."
"Sweetheart, if you want you can go to a friends house, so you can enjoy yourself."
"Ok, love you, bye." I hung up and texted some of my friends. I ended up going to Jacob's house. I put on sweatpants, and hoodie and drive to his house.
I knocked on his door, and he answered.
"So you're moms not home?" He said letting me in.
"Yup, she told me to make the best of when she's gone." I chuckled.
"Do you want to watch a movie?" We started going up to his room.
"Sure, we should watch Unfriended."
"Ok." He shut his door and we sat on his bed. He opened up his laptop and looked for the movie.
He put the laptop in between us, and then cuddled up next to me.
"Oh, I forgot the popcorn." He called his sister, and she came into his room.
"Lily, can you get me and Dakota a bowl of popcorn?" She nodded and went downstairs.
"So is that what siblings are for?" We laughed and Lily came back with the popcorn.
We started watching the movie, when we where done I got out of his bed and stretched. Jacob started laughing at the noises I made while I was stretching. Admit it, you do too. 
I rolled my eyes. Jacob came in front of me and put his arms around my waist and I put my arms around his neck.
"You are the best girlfriend anyone could ever have." He leaned in and kissed me. He lifted me up, so intentionally I wrapped my legs around him. He put his hands under my butt and kept kissing me. There was a knock on his door and he set me down and answered it.
"Lily, what do you want?" She smiled and kicked him in his jewels. He groaned and bent over in pain, as I laughed.
"I'm going to need these someday!" He shouted after her, pointing to his crotch. "I don't think you will." She shouted back laughing. He stood back up and shut the door.
"Oh my god!" I laughed out. "Are you ok?" I laughed even more.
"Ya." There was another knock on the door and I answered it for him.
"Hi Lily." I smiled.
"Can I talk to Jacob?" I nodded and stepped aside to let her in.
"I'm sorry Jacob." He smiled.
"It's ok, it's not like this is important." He gestured to his area.
"Oh, but what did you mean by, that you need it someday?" He looked at me and widened his eyes.
"Talk to mom and dad about that." He pushed her away and I shut the door.
"She should know by now what you meant." I chuckled.
"She's nine." He raised his eyebrows.
"Oh well. I'm getting tired, I'm going to bed." I jumped onto his bed and went under the covers. He changed into sweatpants and got in with me.
"Oh my god, you feet are freezing!" I moved my feet away from his. He moved closer to me and wrapped his arm around waist. I fell asleep really quick and his bed is very comfy.
"I need to go into Victoria Secret, do you want to come in?"
"Sure." He walked in with me and I looked at some bras but he kept showing me red ones.
"Jacob! I don't want red." He raised his hands in surrender and put it back.
Then he showed me another red one.
"What's up with the red?"
"You look good in everything red."
"No one wouldn't be seeing it anyways, so what's the point?" He shrugged and I took it from him.
"I'll try it on just for you." Went into the changing rooms and tried it on.
"I think I actually like it." I poked my head out to look at Jacob.
"See, I was right." I smiled and changed back into my clothes.
"Ready?" I nodded and got in line to check out.
While I was checking out the catchier asked if the red bra was for a special night, and as she said that she looked at Jacob.

"Well that was weird." I chuckled as we walked out of the store.
"It definitely was." He smiled and held me hand.
"I think I'm done at the mall, my feet hurt and I'm just done." He nodded.
He drove me home and I laid down on my bed in exhaust.
In 3 weeks we leave for West Palm! Yay!

Aww! So cute, I actually really love that necklace, now I really want it😂
Hope you liked it 😊 Please



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